Another bowel movement question....I regret having to ask

another bowel movement question...I searched the library, and checked under "stools", and didn't find this question, but, here goes...I'm 7 months+ out and I've noticed my bowel movements are HUGE!! They appear to be a "healthy tan to medium brown color. I'm not contipated because I drink plenty of water. So much so that I feel like I'll just *float* away. I eat plenty of vegetables. I'm just wondering what could cause this? Should I be concerned? Is there any cause for alarm? Sorry for being so graphic, it's just scary!! I get my protein in. Thanks you for listening. Please help me to understand what's going on. ~~    — yourdivaness (posted on April 25, 2003)

April 25, 2003
No, I don't think you should be concerned. Plenty of people would like to be in your shoes. Sounds healthy to me. Most of us have pencil thin light tan stools.
   — Delores S.

April 25, 2003
You are absolutely normal and functioning very well. Congrats!
   — Christina J

April 25, 2003
This is normal. I guess it is because of all the "debris" the body getting rid of.....bile, fat, etc. I am amazed too and the plumbing gets stopped up occasionally. My husband says I am using too much paper and I tell him that I am not! It is just the bm. He doesn't believe me. LOL!
   — Mylou52

April 26, 2003
DOn't be embarrassed to ask that question- I almost asked one similar. My BM are huge as well and it's embarrassing- I clog toilets sometimes. lol (can't believe I am saying this) But as long as you are going- and you are getting rid of everything- it's healthy. Maybe b/c we don't go as often than we did pre-op? Not sure as to the exact reason. But you're not alone!
   — Lezlie Y.

September 26, 2003
Just saw the post, looking up this very subject. We are in a new house (just under 1 year now) and my husband hates our toilet because of this, but I guess that it's just me causing all the problems. But I wouldn't trade it for anything. So I stop up a few toilets now and then. It's much better than breaking the toilets from the weight! LOL!! Everything is better now, so plunger in hand, I will go forward and keep my head up high!!! LOL!!! I love life now!!!
   — Dana B.

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