Anyone have Colonial Life Disability Insurance?

I am pre-op and approved for surgery. I have Colonial Life Disability Insurance in California and I want to know your experience with this company. I am applying for services for the first time since I started the policy 5 years ago. The Claim form has a lot of Pre-Existing type questions on it and I really don't like the idea of having my employer know so much (not a group policy). If you have any info to share I would appreciate it, my surgery date is near. I saved enough money to get through for a month but I sure would like to know that my needs will be covered during recovery. Thanks    — Ron T. (posted on May 7, 2003)

May 7, 2003
I wouldn't worry about your employer seeing your informations. I have the same policy as you and I used mine that's for sure for the whole time I was out, except the first seven days are not paid for in my policy. When the paper work is filled out by you and your Dr, just take it to your HR Dept have them sign it and then fax it off to them. Your employer has no reason to look at your paper work and it is against the new HIPAA law if they do. This is your medical information only, not for their eyes. I am happy to say that I'm glad you have had it for five years, because I had only had mine for two and just increased my coverage and they wouldn't pay me my new rates because of a pre-existing condition. But that was okay, I still got paid but not at my new increase. If you initial your paper work on the first page they will send you your checks overnight for a small fee. Best of luck to you!
   — Maryellen C.

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