Seeking Those Who Have Used "Cheramino"

So much emphasis is placed on our "getting the proper amount of protein" in on a regular basis. So, I'm contemplating ordering some Cheramino from Vitalady to *boost* my protein intake a little more. I've done pretty good at going to our library and print out a variety of answers on how everyone is getting their protein in. I eat peanut butter, crab, lobster and scallop delights by Louis Kemp for a change. Open the package, and YYUMMY, while rushing out the door going to work. Usually, I can get 60g or more protein a day, and water is about 70-80 ozs recently and...yada, yada, yada. Someone told me that Cheramino was "super sweet", then several others say, it helped them in the morning not be so overly concerned and frantic about getting the protein in, because Cheramino will do it! The surgeon's office wants me to eat "more red meat"...I say YUK! and double YUK,YUK!! Red meat is a great source of protein, I know, BUT, this sister wants no part of red meat (and it's not for religious reasons either), it's for my colon. I'm beginning to really tire of chicken. Through MLU, (means: "my limited understanding") I've seen how red meat sits in your system and basically ferments...Don't know how true that is but let me stop rambling. I don't want to waste any more of my time by putting this off. Perchasing Cheramino is LONG overdue! I'd appreciate hearing from some of you that have used Cheramino...How often did you take it? Were you satisfied? Did it achieve the results that you intended for it to? I know that Vitalady's products are good...just want to know if anyone has used Cheramino and if it would be worth the investment. Thanks for your input :-) Hadiyah McCutcheon, a.k.a~    — yourdivaness (posted on May 19, 2003)

May 19, 2003
Well, don't know if you want MY opinion, but I use it. At least once/day, sometimes twice. Let's don't beat around the bush about the taste. WHOA! BABY! Pucker up! How many ways can you spell nasty? LOL! But only 4 T = 30g. BUT, big but, rememeber that collagen based proteins are not stand-alones. There has to be another protein source in your day, as well. Since I do whey 4-5-6 times per day, that's not a problem. The Cheramino adds to my total g for the day. Taken as an "only", every time I've seen it done, the bloodwork totals drift gently down over a period of time. Twin Lab does not CLAIM that it is a complete protein. But when taken in a reasonable time period with others, it ups the total.
   — vitalady

May 19, 2003
Sometimes, I slack up when it comes to protein. I usally do one drink a day, but sometimes a week will pass without having that. I eat some protein bars, sometimes. I tried cheramino. To be blunt, it smells like vomit and doesn't taste much better. Still, I am one that can swallow anything if it comes to my health. I just have some crystal lite with me. Gulp a few tablespoons of the stuff and quickly follow with some Crystal lite and its gone.
   — Lisa N M.

May 19, 2003
Sweet is not the way I'd describe it. It is Gross! Very Very Yucky!
   — plsmom

June 18, 2003
Original Poster Here: I just want to say “Thank You” to ALL of you, for taking the time to respond to my question(s). Oftentimes, I’m so busy reading and responding to others, that I’m unable to get back to my own posts. I try to make time for others just as others have taken time for me both pre and post-operatively. You clicked on and shared your knowledge, when you could have simply moved on to the next question(s) from others. I appreciate you! LAP RNY 9/3/02 265/158/115-126...Luv, Prayers and {{{HUGS}}} Hadiyah McCutcheon, a.k.a.~~
   — yourdivaness

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