How much weight did you lose with exercise.

I've read a post of how much weight one lost WITHOUT exercise, now I want to hear from those of you who do it regularly (I usually work out about 4 times a week, I aim for five and sometimes I don't make it at all). I wonder is all my exercising in vain. I hope not, but I AM interested, how much did you all lose WITH exercise :). Terri    — tinky471 (posted on May 25, 2003)

May 25, 2003
My job is very physically demanding. I did go back to work untill 2 months after surgery. I am about 8 months out and I used to weigh 241 and now I weigh 159 lb so yes exercise is good.
   — sheri B.

May 25, 2003
I started out walking.. 3/4 days a week.. I now run about 5/6 times a week.. and work out at the gym about 3 days a week -- doing the machines to build muscle....I've lost 154 pounds in 11 months
   — Lisa C.

May 25, 2003
I started out at 410 right now I weigh 201 ( you will hear a huge scream when I hit 199 ) I exercise, I am one of the few who really really enjoy it. I would never of believed it myself. I walk 3-4 times a week for about 2 hours ( with friends ), I skate, I bike, I belong to a gym, I do a walk run on my treadmill for 30 mins 4 times a week. Now I am not totally addicted, I do have days when I don't exercise and I don't worry about it. It is good to exercise but remember you need to mix it up so you don't get use to it and remember to give yourself a break. Any type of exercising is never in vain. For me its " never give up, never surrender ! "
   — domestic G.

May 25, 2003
No amount of exercise is in vain. You should be proud of any amount of exercise you are doing. Keep in mind those of us who exercise are doing it right. I know I'll probably get some flack about this. I beleive that if you do not exercise after weight loss surgery you tend to look unhealthy and your skin sags more.It is a fact that without exercise you not only lose fat you lose muscle. Exercise is the only way to build muscle and improve your skins elasticity. Come on folks didn't we make this difficult decision to become healthy? Keep exercising,it's the way to good health. Becky
   — perpetualuv

May 25, 2003
Each individual is different at losing weight with exercise or not. I did not exercise the first 7 months but is the last 5 months I been working out at Curves. I have been a walking nut I have enjoyed walking sense about 1 month after surgery I now can walk up to 3 to 5 miles a day. I was considered a light weight and have lost 100 lb. to be at goal in one year
   — charanewme

May 25, 2003
Your only gauge isn't the scale. I weighed 10 pounds heavier a few years ago when I was an exercise guru and had a perfect shape,no flab and was smaller in size. When I'm lifting weights and daily exercise the weight actually increaces a bit but the measurments are smaller. I know body builders (female)who weigh 200 pounds and have a size 6 shape. Your exercise is NEVER in vain. Not to mention your metabolism is higher, burning more fat, able to eat more food when you routinely exercise.
   — ZZ S.

May 25, 2003
I'm a year out, have lost 128 pounds (seven pounds below goal), and exercise 3-5 times a week, vigorously (running four miles at whack and working on increasing distance and speed, plus weightlifting, plus occasional 35-minute workouts on stairmaster & elliptical machine). Like many people, I started out on the treadmill, walking, in the beginning. I've found that exercise combats depression, allows me to eat a lot of calories without weight gain due to the muscle I've built and the fat I burn, and lets me to look smaller than I really am, weight-wise. Plus, I think protein shakes have helped, a lot, with building my energy and strength. I don't think this surgery would've succeeded so well for me, or that I'd have as good a chance keeping the weight off, if not for exercise.
   — Suzy C.

May 25, 2003
I think exercise is essential to everyone, not just post-op WLS'rs...ALL who walk the face of this planet. When humans were first here, we had to look for food and shelter, walking and wandering, fighting and running...we naturally are made for movement. I have exercised since about a month before surgery...Curves at first and going to the gym and have lost 105 pounds total...not very flabby at all compared to many, I am sure that has a lot to do with it. Your clothing fit will be the true measure. I am at 150 and wear a size 8...most people have to weigh 125 to get into that size! Good work with the exercise, keep it up. Size 24 to Size 8...7/16/02 weight: 253.5# today 150#
   — missmollyk

May 25, 2003
Terri, as someone else said, it's never in vain. And you will always get some kind of result with exercise, let alone have better health overall. I didn't exrcise my first 6 months post-op, but have ever since. I'm now one year post-op and have surpassed my goal weight. Sure, I may have been able to w/o exercise, but who will ever know. Not only that, but my body looks toned and my friends complain that my arms look better than theirs do. lol Exercise unfortunately cannot fix my saggy boobs or the little sag in my belly, but everywhere else looks great and I owe alot of it to exercising 3-5 days a week. Numberwise- I was 250lbs. and at 5'2" am now 127 and SLOWLY still losing. Goodluck to you :-)
   — Lezlie Y.

May 25, 2003
I have been working out for 15 years because I really love it. My mother use to tell me as much as I workout I should be skinny. Well, my weight problem was not due to lack of activity it was my uncontrollable eating and the love for high calorie foods. My surgery was on 10/1/02 (324 lbs.)and I worked out the first day my surgeon told me I could. I'm pretty consistent with 6 days a week and every now and then I may do 5 days. I workout on the ellipitical machine and twice a week I do toning (upper & lower). I wanted to look toned and I've accomplished this. My current weight is 216 (-108).
   — Mary H.

May 26, 2003
You're exercise is NOT in vain Terri!! You sound like you're doing great-- you should be really proud of yourself!! At 4 months post, I'm an exercise nut now. I started walking 3 miles a day on the treadmill at a month post, then just went crazy after the 2nd month. I do cardio 6 days a week and weight training 3 days a week, soon to be 4 days a week. I can honestly say I love how my body feels after a good hard workout. I feel like I have really accomplished something. Since I started working out with the weights, I have gained 5 pounds, which would freak me out otherwise but I know that it's MUSCLE!! I actually have muscles that I can see now!!
   — lizinPA

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