Post-Ops: I'm currently taking an anti-depressant called

Serzone. I take 150mg in the morning and 150mg at night. With all of the "challenges" that are going on in my life right now, I'm wondering if I should speak with my PCP about either changing the medication or simply increasing the dosage. I feel as though the concerns I'm having are related moreso to ALL of the things that are going on in my life right now...Some have to do with the WLS, and others are related, but not directly. I believe I am doing quite well with the lifestyle changes, but being on a plateau for as long as I have, having apprehensions about buying a new wardrobe, being in the midst of unfair labor practice case on my government job, having a supportive husband that understands everything EXCEPT for the emotional/mental changes I'm going through (I'm finding that we have "intense discussions", about things and he oftentimes gets upset over seemingly trivial things-(at least they are to me). I'm ready to change careers, tired of doing the same old at a desk with an ear-to-ear, cheshire cat smile on my face, and I know good and well that I'm no longer interested in this job and haven't been in a long time. Should I see about getting my medication changed? No Zoloft! It makes me feel like I'm some type of mechanical robot. I've never used Paxil or Wellbutrin and not even sure how any of the others work. Sometimes, I get mildly irritated, and other times, I'm depressed and crying. Then, yet other times, I'm just non-chalant and have the "oh, well, whatever" attitude. This is the type attitude I feel most comfortable with because it's more like me, I don't have to put on any specific attitudes or *fake feelings* to please anyone and yet I'm still pleasant. Have any of you experienced any of these feelings? Have you ever taken any of these medications? How do they work for you? I REALLY appreciate ALL of your input on these. Luv to you!! Hadiyah McCutcheon, a.k.a.~~~    — yourdivaness (posted on July 15, 2003)

July 14, 2003
Hi, I tried Serzone and it didn't work for me, but I'm still pre-op. I have heard that Lexapro works well for many post-ops. It's really an individual thing; what works for one person may or may not work for you. I have tried Wellbutrin, Celexa, Prozac, Serzone, and finally found that Zoloft works FOR ME. I think much of the time it's a trial and error thing. I would definitely speak to your doctor about it, though. Good luck!
   — Moysa B.

July 15, 2003
Sorry to hear that you are having problems. I have been there & do understand to a certain point. I do believe you absolutely you should discuss this with your pcp. Sometimes treating anxiety or depression as with other problems such as high blood pressure & diabetes. It is not necessarily getting the right medication as it is getting the right combination of medications. I have tried most of them. From celexa to prozac to paxil to serzone to lorazepam(ativan). Finally in the end it was a combination of a daily dose of Wellbutrin Sr & a nightly 0.5mg alprazolam(xanax) that did it for me. I am sure there are others out there who my medications did not work for. Unfortunately it is trial & error. Do not stay on something that you feel is not working for you. There are too many medications or combinations out there. Don't be afraid to ask. Just one last comment. I can only speak for myself. But there has been times in my past when I had bad times & was on anti depressants and or anti anxiety meds. And as soon as life looked better I would go off them. Mistake. Big mistake. For when life went bad again. My system became very unstable very quickly. For me that's what the Wellbutrin does. It keeps me steady. Sure I get depressed & cry from time to time. But I dont get that desperate feeling I once did when life went wrong. This was just me. Probably nothing like you. Trying to be helpful. If you ever need a friend or to talk. I will always be happy to listen & will try to help you smile again. Good luck to you.
   — Sarah H.

July 15, 2003
I totally agree with Sarah: You may need to take both an antidepressant AND an anti-anxiety medication, at least until all this boils over, and then your doctor can wean you off the medications. Under NO circumstances should you stop without checking with you doctor; I've done this a couple of different times, thinking that I was fine and didn't need the Zoloft anymore. BIG mistake! I got to the point where I was almost suicidal. Some people, like myself, may need to be on medication permanantly due to a hormone imbalance. I like the way Sarah said it; "it keeps me stable." Hopefully, you won't need to be on these forever, but please check with your doctor to see what else is out there for you. Hope things settle down soon! Good luck...
   — Moysa B.

July 15, 2003
I would encourage you to do some research on Serzone. Many doctors will not prescribe this drug any longer. There are lots of bad side effects and many law suits out there. Seems like you are taking a high dosage as well.
   — Kathleen F.

July 15, 2003
I was on Prozac for a few years and it worked good except it seemed to wear off, so I had to switch medicinces. Then I think it was "Serzone' I was on for a couple months one time. If that was the drug, it really "F"ed me up. I would be right in the middle of a sentance and could'nt finish, as I could'nt remember what I was trying to say. I thought I was going completely nuts. I was happy to get off it. Then I went on Welbutrin SR which worked really great UNTIL WLS... seems it is time release and won't work for me anymore. So now I'm taking regular Welbutrin and it is working. Anyway, I think you need to see someone immediately and get your meds changed. There are so many things you can try. Something is bound to help. Oh, I also take Celexa too. Both meds are great. But what works for one person does'nt work for all. Anyway, don't wait. Get help!
   — Danmark

July 15, 2003
Like one of the previous posters said, you should do some research on serzone. It can cause liver damage. I took it for about 8 years and my doctor took me off it when she read about serzone's effect on the liver. Claire
   — gramof3

July 15, 2003
Your mood shifts sound alot like what i have been having for the last couple of months. My PCP just put me on sarafem it is suppose to "balance" everything out it is often given to women that have PMDD around that time of the month. I just started it so we will see. It doesn't cause weight gain like alot of them do actually it is suppose to do the opposite and it has the same ingredient as prozac. check it out ask your pcp and good luck!
   — Tammy N.

July 15, 2003
I'm on a combination of antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds and have recently had to readjust the 'formula' because of changes in my life. I consider my meds too complicated for my PCP and started seeing a psychiatrist in addition. They really know their meds. Will your surgeon consult with your psychiatrist or PCP? Changing meds can be complicated and frustrating as you wean off one and then start with another. Stay in contact with either your PCP or psychiatrist until you get it sorted out, you have a lot going on in your life right now. Laura
   — Laura K.

July 16, 2003
Hello Divaness You didn't happen to mention how long you have been on the Serzone. Any type of new anti-depressive or anti-anxiety medications will take time for your body chemistry to adjust to changes. I have learned just like WLS, anti-depressive/anxiety medications are tools. Just like learning different attitudes towards food and eating behaviors. By learning how to cope with the symtoms of depressions with the assistance of a professional therapist. I have been on anti-depressives for years(Zoloft Wellbutrin,Topamax) but working with my therapist has been a big help in my recovery. Take Care and God Bless Anne
   — Aynikaye

July 17, 2003
I would talk to your doctor immediately! I too was on this anti-depressant a few years ago and was taken off when my doc found out about the bad side effects. my pcp was so concerned that he called me when he found out. i have had chronic liver problems ever since. i am following up with my GI doc next week to have a liver biopsy. my liver function tests have continued to rise despite change in diet. please do not wait any longer. i have heard wellbutrin in good and it can help people stop smoking (if your a smoker)
   — Keri P.

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