Since WLS, I can't seem to get rid of the daark circles even

though I get plenty of rest and sleep. When I do wake up in the morning, my eyes are so puffy that I'm almost embarrassed to go to work. Ice or cucumbers work? Does anyone else out there have these same problems? What did you do? Will they ever go away? Thanks.    — yourdivaness (posted on January 6, 2004)

January 6, 2004
Not sure about dark circles but my doc told me the puffiness was fluid retention .. and when I cut way back on the carbs and drink water the puffiness goes away .. Hope this helps a little .. and yes I have heard cukes help ..not sure why though ..Love Ruthie in SC
   — ruthie

January 6, 2004
Hello to you- I have had dark circles most of my life. It seemed to get much worst after weight loss surgery. I think part of it is that your weight loss in your face takes away the "fat coverup" for lack of another way to express that. Also, your nutritional status changes majorly and I notice it in my eyes right away. I usually use a cream targeted for your eyes. I dab it on instead of rubbing it as the tissue is very sensitive. In my opinion you don't have to buy the very expensive stuff just go to the drug store. Good luck... As for the ice and cucumber aaahh well I haven't found they help.
   — Jencastle

January 7, 2004
Hi there. I am having the same problem since surgery (never had the dark circles before) - dark circles, but no puffiness at all. I found this great thread on some website all about how to deal with dark circles (i'll try to look it up when i get home). One possible explanation given was that the hormones we are releasing as we lose the fat are what is, in fact, making the dark circles appear. There were many suggestions, but overwhelmingly, people seemed to favor a formulation by Mary Kay called "Lumineyes," which retails for $28. I would say at least 30% of the board claimed it worked wonders. Another (much cheaper) solution was a formulation by St. Ives, don't have the name, but I know it contains Vitamin K and is specifically for dark under-eye circles. I just saw this last weekend, and haven't had a chance to pick up either one, so I can't give you my recommendation. Good luck. (PROXIMAL Open RNY, 7/7/03, 226/162/132, 5'1")
   — sweetmana

January 7, 2004
I am still pre-op (but not for much longer) and have dark circles off and on and the best thing I have found is made by Benefits Cosmetics and is called Ooh La Lift. It is a pink liquid that you use after you out all your normal makeup on. It hides circles and helps with puffiness. They also have something called EyeBright that is also pink but is a stick and you can use it on the corners of your eyes and it works great on dark areas. Benefits has some really great products and I have no complaints on any of the items I have purchased and use daily. You can purchase online at or at any department store that would generally have Clinique, Estee Lauder, etc. Good luck! OH btw, the Prep. H really does work on puffiness, been there and done that! Best wishes! -Tiff
   — Tiffany B.

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