Do you still feel fat?

I have had a great weight loss and my doc says I am doing just great, but today I feel FAT! I have not felt this way though out my weight loss. I just feel like I have gained the whole 120 pounds back. Am I Crazy?    — peggyp (posted on January 12, 2004)

January 12, 2004
I am almost 23 months post-op and i still have those kinds of days,it will pass, just keep yourself busy!!! :)
   — bikerchic

January 12, 2004
Peggy- You really are not alone. For me, those "feeling fat" days tend to correspond when I'm hitting other emotional lows. Kind of like some sort of post-traumatic stress syndrome where the early stress that's revisited is my former obese life-- so, when I encounter tensions like I did when I was morbidly obese, my mind does flash back to those days when I was morbidly obese and I then notice every misplaced bump, bulge and sag. Fortunately, those moments grow further and further apart.
   — SteveColarossi

January 12, 2004
Yes, and I'm 2 1/2 years post-op.
   — LLinderman

January 12, 2004
YES. Everytime I look in the mirror I feel fat. UGH maybe it will change after my tummy tuck .. I hope so
   — Catherine B

January 12, 2004
I am glad that you posted this!!! I am almost 5 months out and have lost about 65 lbs and yesterday and today I am feeling exactly like I did before surgery. I was just thinking have I gained some weight back, but the scales don't show it, maybe we need more exercise????? Good luck and great weight loss, I am ready to be there. GOD BLESS!!
   — Lisa W.

January 12, 2004
Just this weekend, I was complaining to another post op patient that I still had so much more weight to lose and how I still feel so fat. I'm 15 months PO and she's 18 months PO. She said how if she never lost another pound, that would be fine with her - she feels great. Finally we shared the size clothes that we now wear with eachother. We both wear a 14! I probably totally insulted her for calling a 14 fat, but yet I think she looks great, but I don't feel like I look great. Good to know we are all crazy together.
   — Yolanda J.

January 12, 2004
I think that about myself as well, Though I am only 4 1/2 months out, I have lost 80 pounds, but I don't feel like I have lost anything. I keep seeing how far I still have to go.......I think it is a mental trick. Evn when I get to goal...I think I will always think of myself as "FAT" I can look at others and see how great they look....just not me!!!!
   — jennap

January 12, 2004
Peggy, I am over two years post-op and there are days when I feel enormous and then there are days when I feel ok. Sometimes I look in the mirror and see this huge body staring back at me and other times, I think I look pretty good. So if you are crazy, I am too. By the way, I've been below my surgeon's goal weight for me for almost a year so these strange feelings don't die quickly.
   — Patty_Butler

January 12, 2004
I feel fatter now than before surgery! I was in denial before.
   — mrsmyranow

January 12, 2004
I am 2yrs 3 mos post op and, no I do not feel fat. Can't really say when I lost that feeling...but I don't ever feel fat anymore. As a matter of fact, I do not even think about my weight. That is the best side effect I have received from this surgery....the psychological burden is finally gone.
   — RebeccaP

January 12, 2004
I don't feel "Fat" like I did before, but now that im gaining weight back and see this saggy skin, I do get very upset. I just keep telling myself the weight im gaining back (12# so far :o( )is filling up some of this empty skin. I still thank god for WLS everyday, I am so much happier! We all have bad days. I call them cute days and ugly days, my husband knows to stay away on an ugly day lol Good luck!!!
   — Sandy M.

January 12, 2004
I have reached goal and then some, but the fact that I have so much skin makes me feel fat sometimes. I hate the way I look in pants with tops tucked in because that tell tale roll is there. The skin will hopefully be removed this summer, but it is a constant reminder to me. People tell me I am too thin but I don't see it that way. I am large framed, so in my mind I may be slim but never skinny. I will hopefully reassess after the TT. I think it is hard to erase old habits and thought patterns. Believe me, there are also times that I look in the mirror and say that it can't be my reflection, then I look between my waist and knees and see the skin there and it changes everything. Best of Luck!!
   — Fixnmyself

January 12, 2004
No, you are not crazy...and apparantly not alone either! I can totally relate to how you feel. I am almost 1 year out. I am 5'7" and weigh 137 pounds. I mostly wear size 4's and 6's and no matter what my husband or friends say, I still feel fat most of the time! Like on Sunday, I was kneeling on the floor in the nursery at church and looked down at my thighs and was almost embarassed at how HUGE they were so I moved right away so no one else would see. I know it must sound stupid...but all I can see is fat. And on the days that I do manage to look past the fat...all I see is the sagging skin. I sure hope this gets better before I drive myself crazy. Of course, it doesn't help either that I haven't lost any weight for 3+ weeks now. I just keep thinking that it would all get better if I could just lose another 5-10 pounds...but who knows maybe it wouldn't make a difference anyway. Good luck to you!
   — eaamc

January 12, 2004
I think excess skin makes u feel fat. If your body is anything like mine after 120lbs then it is having a schizophrenic moment. My body is very lean and thin up top, but my lower tummy and thighs make me look fat. Or at least in my head. I have a ton of excess skin on my thighs which when I look in the mirror seems to make me feel larger than I am. The clothing difference between my top and bottom is two sizes (10-12 top and 16 bottom). The skin is what causes the problem hopefully it will pass as they say it takes a year before ur mind catches up with ur body.
   — keishax

January 12, 2004
No, I don't still feel fat, but I can't stand the hanging skin I have on my stomach...and my "derriere" could certainly use some contouring and sculpting IMHO***smile**** Hadiyah, a.k.a.~~~
   — yourdivaness

January 12, 2004
This is a fear of mine. I have not had surgery yet and I worry more about this than the actual surgery. I was talking to my pdoc today about this and he said that the surgery will take care of the physical aspect but not the mental aspect. I said we would need to work on it and I was putting it in his hands. He just nodded. The emotional aspect of WLS, I think, is the biggest hurdle to jump. I really admire those who have not had any trouble with this. Good luck on your journey.
   — jeh

January 12, 2004
I think fat is a state of mind. I have lost 165# and am at goal. I wear a size 12, but I still think of myself as fat, even though I'm not anymore. I think, for me anyway, my brain just needs to catch up with my body....Kelly 315/150
   — klinzey

January 12, 2004
Just wanted to say that I sometimes feel like I am small and beautiful. Then other days I feel like I am fat and ugly. Even though I have lost 82lbs, and wear size 4 jeans, I continue to have to work on the MIND thing. It will tear you down if you let it. I was telling my sister that somedays I can't see the results of having the weight loss. Now, I know that doesn't make sense, but I can tell you it is a MIND thing. I once wore size 22 jeans. Hang in there. Janice
   — betterfitness

January 12, 2004
I stll feel fat and see myself as fat. I still ahve a ways to go but I have lost -143 in 6 mo. lost 33 inches. I was wearing a size 32 and bigger. I am now in a 18/20 I started out 381 NOW I am 238 at 5 ft. 9. I know I am thinnner but still see the BIG me!!!
   — Janine Greenwood

January 13, 2004
I'm 4 months post-op, starting at 254 post-surgery. I've lost to 195 so far, and would like to lose about 30 more pounds. I actually can say that I have been relieved of my "fat" feelings. Right now, I really feel great and like how I look. The only thing is, I'm a little more critical of how I look in clothes. At the higher weight, if the clothes fit and looked decent, that was enough. Now, I consider style, color and fit much more than before. I don't think that saggy skin will be too much of an issue for me - except for the "girls" - I'm not real happy with how they're looking so far. That may be something I'll want to deal with surgically later on down the road. But I can honestly say that I don't feel fat anymore. I'm really loving this. Lap RNY 9/11/03, 254/195/???
   — Carlita

January 13, 2004
This is a very common issue among WLS post-ops, even those much further out. Remember, you had surgery on your body and not your brain. Especially for those who spent the majority of their childhood and adult lives overweight, the mental change and acceptance of our new bodies does not come overnight. And with lots of hanging, saggy, baggy skin, its even more difficult to see it. I did not spend my childhood or most of my adult life obese, so I do not see fat anymore. I feel "normal". I find it hard to understand how those who are size 4 or 6 or 8 can see themselves as "fat", but its true. I've been told it can take up to 5 years for it to sink in...
   — Cindy R.

November 22, 2005
Hello everyone! I answered this question (as you can see) several months/years ago and I didn't think I was fat then...but, I AM FAT NOW!!! I'm reading about the South Beach Diet right now at the recommendation of my friends on this website. They know how compulsive I am and how desperate I am to get the weight off that I've re-gained. I'm also seeing a therapist on a regular basis, so I should be right back where I was soon--at 126-132 lbs!!!!
   — yourdivaness

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