Having severe gas pain

Hi, I'm 9 months post op ,down 120 pounds. Overall i feel very good but occasionally and it seems like it's more often now, I experience severe gas pains centered in my lower abdomen with bloating. It usually lasts for an hour or two. I dont think it's gallbladder because it doesn't spread to my back or shoulder(typical of gb) My question is does anyone else who's 9 months or more post op experience this type of gas pain? Can it be diet related? There doesn't seem to a certain food that consistently brings this on? I'd appreciate any ideas you may have Thanks Kim 298/177/135    — kim F. (posted on January 30, 2004)

January 30, 2004
Are you talking about pain very low in your intestinal area? I am almost 13 mos out and have had this since the beginning. Mine is related to lactose intolerance and probably too many carbs. It does get frustrating sometimes when you can't exactly pin point it though!
   — sherry H.

January 30, 2004
I have heard that the following may be gas producing culprits: milk/dairy products (many people become lactose intolerant as they age); high glycemic carbohydrates (white potatoes, bread, pasta, etc.); try either cutting out carbs or switching to those which take longer to digest (whole grains, sweet potatoes, etc.) I've been told that sugars connected with these foods may be the cause (milk sugars & the low glycemic foods turn to sugar quickly).
   — wschaffer

January 30, 2004
I don't know what is causing your pain but for relief from it you can use Mylicon drops (infant drops). My surgeon recommended these. (after my Lapband. 11-13-03 -38lbs) and they really help. Good luck, Mary
   — mary K.

February 3, 2004
No words of wisdom, but you're not alone. I'm a year and a half out and still can get gas pains and bloating. It can be very embarrassing as well as quite uncomfortable. It's inconsistent, and like you I have a hard time trying to correlate it with any particular food. I think sometimes my gut just gets sensitive. Try gas-X pills.
   — Celia A.

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