Does anyone know how to find out about hotel discounts

I will be having surgery out of town and would like to stay in a hotel the night before because I have to be at the hospital by 5:00 am, does anyone no of any discounts for this?    — melindameyers (posted on August 1, 2005)

August 1, 2005
First Check with the hospital you are having surgery at. Many times they have access to a local motel/hotel at a discounted rate. I also called around and found a hotel that because of my surgery and the fact my mother would be staying for 3 days was so kind enough to give us a discounted rate and package deal. In a word it pays to shop around and do not be afraid to tell them your going to stay the night before to make it easier to get to your surgery. Peace and Blessings.
   — jstplainwyrd1956

August 1, 2005
The other poster was correct. Many hospitals have struck deals with area hotels. Option 2 is to go to there you will be asked "location" and it will show you all the hotels in the area. You do not have to book online but it will show you the phone numbers. then you can call and explain your situation.
   — Delores S.

August 2, 2005
there are many great discount sites out there. A few of the ones I use are:,,,, and I suggest researching those sites, as well as calling your hospital to see if they have any deals with hotels.
   — Ann B.

August 2, 2005
I just called a hotel near the hospital the other day. When she gave me the room price I told her that travelocity offered the room for a less expensive price. She then checked and gave me the room for the same price-you just have to ask if they have any specials! I found with Travelocity and ones like that you have to pay right then and then the hotel held another $50 from my card as well!
   — marilynl

August 2, 2005
Melinda, ask your surgeon and/or the hospital. My mother, in conjunction with a hospital, opened a hotel in a hospital for families of patients and for out of town patients. So some hospitals even have their own. Actually the hospital where I had surgery had dorm like rooms for the night before.<br>If the hospital doesn't have their own or a negotiated rate with one, your best bet is to go to a discount hotel site, find the cheapest rate and then call the property and ask for more. I managed hotels for years...their bottom dollar is ALWAYS negotiable.
   — RebeccaP

August 2, 2005
My Doctor's office told me of a few near his office that offered discounts.
   — Judy J.

August 3, 2005
Hi, Check out They have some good coupons.
   — KellyL

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