Xanax and other medications before surgery?

My Doctor has me on Xanax, three times daily. I am also on Amaryl and Actos for my type II Diabetes. Will I be able to continue taking the Xanax (Anxiety disorder) up to the date of my surgery, and afterwards? I'm nervous that I will not be able to take my Diabetic medication also, as my blood sugar tends to drop into the low 40's if I don't. Any advise will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!    — Reva Hayes (posted on September 22, 2005)

September 22, 2005
I was taking Lexapro for depression before my surgery and after the surgery for 6 weeks I had to take it in liquid form. BLAAAAAHHHHH :(. Now I am back on the pills and I am having no trouble with them. Ask your doctor if the Xanax comes in a liquid form and if it does then let your pharmacy know a few days ahead of time so that they can get in stock.. As for the diabetes meds, you will need t keep a watch on it and keep in touch with your doctor. Several people that I know that were on diabetes meds are now off. But each person is different. Good luck to you and God bless you on your journey to a new and healthier life. LAP RNY 6/16/05 292/218
   — LilaDove

September 23, 2005
Hi Reva, I would suggest that you contact the bariatric surgeon who will be performing your surgery. He should be able to tell you what medications you can and can not take. Hope this helps. Good Luck! Shahshah R
   — City Gurl

September 23, 2005
Hi Reva.. Every doctor is different.. My doctor told me not to take my diabetic meds, but I was allowed to take my xanax.. I would ask my surgeon what to take if anything.. As for when I left the hospital, I was on no meds for my diabetes and high blood presser.. But again every case is different.. Good luck and God Bless
   — Carol S.

September 23, 2005
Hi Reva, this is a question you should be asking your surgeon since everyone is different. Good luck on your surgery!
   — CINDY H.

September 23, 2005
Hi, I resumed taking my Xanax almost immediately after surgery. The liquid was not necessary for me since Xanax is a very small pill and disolves quickly after drinking. Also, you should be monitored in the hospital in regards to your blood sugar and your Diabetic medication should be administered as needed. There is no reason you should not receive it. Remind your surgeon of your situation with your blood sugar and your need for your Xanax. My surgeon was great about ensuring that all my meds prior to surgery would be available to me after my surgery while in the hospital. Tell your surgeon of your concerns and settle your mind. Take care and all my best wishes on your surgery.
   — Karen Renee

September 24, 2005
I did not take my Wellbutrin while in the hspital, but restarted when I got home, with no problems. They monitered my blood sugars in the hspital, but I did not need any as I was not eating much. I resumed a lower dose of insulin when I left the hspital, and have since adjusted the dosage several times. I now do not take it at all, after losing over a hundred pounds! Everyone is different, though, so be sure to discuss it with your doctors.
   — Novashannon

September 24, 2005
Well two days prior to surgery I was taken off all meds and I was on actos, glucophage, two types of blood pressure medicine, cholesterol meds, and actos. So if you dont need them, why take them. I was told by a friend that is a doctor that prescribed medications, almost all have side effects and possibly long term affects. That is where all these law suits come from. So I was happy to be off all the meds. The medicine sales people are like vultures. They want the Docs to prescribe meds for one thing, MONEY. I dont think the pharmaceutical people knows what the long term effects are. So if you dont need it, dont take it.
   — Kevin R.

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