Has anyone ever heard of using Meridia & Xenical together?

My PCP called my late Friday afternoon and I told her of the documentation problems I was having trying to locate previous diet sources. She suggested putting me on Meridia & Xenical together! I have never heard of this? Has anyone out there? She hasn't come right out and said "I don't think the surgery for you"; she's has just stated that one of her patients has been unhappy with the WLS affects and wishes she hadn't done it. My PCP also mentioned that some have died and why would I want to risk it. She also said that I should give those to drugs a chance.... Unfortunutely my family agree's with her...    — Peri B. (posted on July 26, 1999)

July 26, 1999
Boy I sure hope I am not going to come across sounding like I am on some sort of soap box here but here goes. First, I would like to know just how long this insurance lay person has been practicing medicine?????? excues me but recommending medicines is your doctors job not hers. Sorry about that but that is an issue with me. Second, it has been my experience that people who are not as informed as they could be about bariatric surgery are often down on it. One doctor I went to actually appeared to hurry out of the exam room when I told him I had had the Rny.... Looked like he was afraid he would catch it.. : ).... Please do yourself the favor of seeing someone who knows the facts.. See a bariatric surgeon. If you don't have one or know of one, I would recommend Weight for Life. They have got answers for your questions. My surgeon is listed with them as well as many others. Don't listen to those who aren't informed and that may include other physicians/surgeons. Just because they are in the practice, they may not have studied the specialty of bariatric medicine. Don't let your family discourage you. Many in my family did try to discourage me. They said all the familiar things.."People have died having this done...." My answer was "yes people have died but people have also died having their teeth pulled" Some said to me "Don't you think this is a bit radical, having this surgery done?" My answer was, "Radical?? Don't you think going through life at 300+ lbs is a bit radical??? I invite you to look at my picture as posted herre and tell me which one is more radical? I know the answer. Sorry to be on a soap box.... I'm really a nice person... ha ha ha Just that people that work so hard to discourage us from this get under my last nerve. The woman at the insurance company has probably never been overweight a day in her life.. : ) This is your quest.. No one can stop you from it but you. I say go for it if it is what you really want. It was what I really wanted and I am happy with my results. Love to you and I sure hope I didn't upset anyone with my speech..
   — Peggy W.

July 26, 1999
Hi! I can't really give any comments on the medications. I've just heard the names mentioned. I wanted to encourage you to pursue the avenue you want. There is always the chance of post-op complications.....with any surgery. But being severly overweight has multiple health risks of it's own including high BP, Diabetes, back and joint problems....... For me the risk of surgery was something I was willing to take verses continuing to feel bad and having increasing difficulty getting around. Good luck to you!
   — Penny W.

July 26, 1999
I just wanted to say that you might want to reconsider the surgery. I was a teenager when my father had his wls and I don't think he could not have done so well as he has with out the support of his friends and family. I am now 31 and just starting to consider wls for myself. And with such a drastic lifestyle changes I know I have to have a lot of positive support around me, and not to have anyone who says "I told you so" to hurt me even further
   — sue ann A.

July 26, 1999
Yes, I have heard of the two together...Meridia for the appetite and Xenical to reduce fat absorption. I've tried different diet drugs in the past. Most work temporarily. As soon as you get off of them, the weight comes back and usually with a vengence! WLS is our solution to stopping this vicious cycle. I had a vbg in June and am thrilled with the results so far -- 23 lbs. and counting!!
   — vpierce

July 26, 1999
Unless the Health Insurer requires you to take these meds to rule out medication as a possible way to lose the weight, they had NO right to tell you not to have the surgery OR to relay any other patients comments and dismay with their results. It could easily be that the reason their other client wasn't happy with her side effects was because she wasn't following her procedures and post-op instructions. Unless you were talking to a Medical Reviewer (ie a doctor or nurse on staff) you were talking with a lay person who has little or no actual knowledge of medical procedures, only what a manual in front of them says. How many diets, programs, pills, or any combination thereof have you already been on? Were you able to keep the weight off? You must make the decision on your own. Your family cannot decide for you what the most effective way for you to get this weight off and keep it off will be, only you can make that decision and commitment to follow through with your decision. Best of Luck!! Keep us posted!
   — Sherrie G.

July 26, 1999
P.S. The stats of death resulting from the surgery are less than 1% ... I am most certain that the stats of people dying from obesity or obesity related diseases and complications are FAR higher!!!
   — Sherrie G.

July 26, 1999
I am sorry that this is not going to answer your main question. But please think twice before having this surgery. I had it done on June 18, 1999. On June 21st I was told that my new little stomach had a leak in it. I was immediately put on "Nothing By Mouth" and a TPN (Total Parental Nutrition) unit. I was released from the hospital on June 24th, and told by my doctor that I would not be able to eat or drink ANYTHING for at least 4 weeks. Well it has been over 5 weeks now, I am still on a TPN system and still have to have a Registered Home Health Care Nurse come into my home EVERYDAY to hook me up to a new TPN or in other words: A Liquid Food Bag. I was told by my doctor today that he wants to wait 2 to 3 MORE weeks before sending me for the test to see if the leak is still there. This is the most horrible thing I have ever gone through. It has caused a lot of discomfort physically and mentally, I cry a lot. I never thought this would happen to me. Next week (Aug. 1st) my family and I are going on Vacation to Las Vegas......I am going to be so embarassed having to carry around a HEAVY MEDICAL Backpack with a IV line that goes under my t-shirt up to my chest and into an IV hook up. So please, think twice.....I really wished that I had listeded to my wonderful, loving husband of 19 years....he always says that he loves me for who I am not for what I look like. I have lost 30 pounds since the surgery.....but I wish I would of known this could have doctor never mentioned this risk. SO PLEASE THINK TWICE!!! Linda [email protected]
   — Linda F.

July 26, 1999
Linda ... you most definately are an exception to the rule. Has your doctor gone back in to repair the leak????? I know it's hard to believe when you do have complications, but, the surgery was the best thing that I've ever done. I didn't however have the complications you're having. I would be having a heart to heart with my doctor if he hasn't repaired your leak though!!! Good Luck!
   — Sherrie G.

November 25, 1999
Peri--what do YOU want to do? If you feel comfortable in your decision and know that you cannot lose the weight you feel you need to lose through traditional methods, then why waste your energy and motivation? I've been on Meridia, and if I would have had greater success with it, I probably would be taking the Xenical too. Heck, if Leptin trials were available, I'd be on that, too. I don't know of anything else that works. I'd love to take a pill with the effectiveness of WLS. I'm pre-op and still checking it out -- it scares me, but I think I've run out of alternatives.
   — Toni B.

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