Need Pet Care Help In Seattle

I'm facing my surgery totally alone. I have no family or friends in the area. I'm on disability so I also have no money. I have to travel by train to Portland and back again for my surgery. Does anyone know of an inexpensive way to get pet care for my cat and my 6 month old Border Collie puppy? The cat is low maintenance; the dog is a bundle of love but a handful as well.    — gobo T. (posted on January 22, 2001)

January 22, 2001
Call your local middle school and/or ask your neighbors for names of children over the age of 13 that might be willing to help. Maybe the parent will let the dog go to their house, or the teenager could make a few trips to your house (they would have to do that anyway for the cat). Once before school, once after school, and once after dinner/before bedtime. A girlfriend did this and payed them 40 for the week. I know, not the least expensive, but less than a kennell would cost. If you explain the situation to your neighbors, I am sure someone would be willing to help. Good luck
   — enjo4

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