Anyone taking Actigall and have problems anyway

Has anyone taken Actigall to prevent gallbladder problems and had to have their gallbladder out anyway (while still taking it or after 6 months out or so?)    — M. A. B. (posted on July 19, 2001)

July 19, 2001
Hi M.A. Yes, I began taking Actigall after surgery (Open RNY - distal). My Gall Bladder had to be removed after 7 months. The surgeon who removed my GB (not the same as my RNY surgeon) told me that in his opinion, Actigall will not help someone who loses weight as quickly as I did (140 lbs or so in those first 7 months). Compared to the RNY, having my GB removed was a piece of cake (of course, I was a lot healthier by then). Good luck to you. Kevin
   — meilankev

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