Why has everyone lost more weight than I have?

I'm sick to death of thinking daily oI am so sick of seeing people post twice the weight loss, compared to my 30 pounds in three month!!! I'm also sick of thinking about this constantly...I feel like a failure...... I did'nt have to have this surgery to lose 30 lbs in three months with all the effort I make daily, I probably would have easily lost 30lbs or more without it!!!! I'm so frustrated!!!! What does everyone know thatv I don't?    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 24, 2001)

July 24, 2001
OK. This is going to sound harsh, but gee, come on! You are NOT the only one who has lost 30 pounds in three months. I lost 25 in the first three months. Was I disappointed about it? Sure I was. Did I whine and bitch about it? Only to myself in my journal. You are sick to death of seeing people post twice the weight loss, well I'm sure there are some people who are sick of new post-ops bitching that they "only" lost 30 pounds in three months! Now you say you probably would have easily lost 30 pounds on your own. Well, if it was SOOOO easy pre-op, NONE of us would need the surgery. 10 pounds a month is exactly on target. I have averaged about 10 pounds a month. I'm now 7 months post op and have lost about 75 pounds. I am thrilled with that, especially knowing I probably won't gain it all back within three years, like I have before. I really don't intend this reply to be a flame. Maybe just a wake up call or a kick in the butt. Sometimes we all need one to make us realize we are OK. There is nothing wrong with you, you are probably just a slow loser. You also probably will have much less problems with hanging skin or flab. I know I have very few problems with that because I'm losing slowly and my body has time to adjust better. AND QUIT COMPARING YOUR WEIGHT LOSS WITH THAT OF OTHERS!!!! No two people are alike. Everyone's body responds differently to the surgery. Why are you so impatient? This is not a race, but a new lifestyle. You didn't get to be MO overnight, you won't get to your goal weight overnight either. Please try to focus on the positive changes you've already made in your life. I bet you already can feel the difference in your health, or maybe your clothes fit differently, or maybe you've already gotten some compliments on losing some weoght. Myabe you've begun a new exercise program and are feeling the benefits. This is a new life you are embarking upon, go slowly, keep up what you are doing right, and try to be patient. It WILL happen for you! Good luck and congratulations on your 30 pound loss. Just think, even at the same pace, you will be down 60 POUNDS in three more months (120 pounds in a year!)
   — Maria H.

July 24, 2001
Hi - Don't think of it as a failure!! I am just a tad ahead of you - 30 in 9 weeks. The way I am looking at being a slower loser is hopefully - my skin will have a better chance of "snapping" back into place! I know to speed things up I need to up the protein and water - unfortunately both are difficult at this point in the game. I just went for my 2nd endoscope to widen a stricture. At first I thought I would be really upset losing slowly - but I am NOT!! I am losing sensibly for my body and know that 30 pounds are GONE FOREVER!! Good Luck and don't be so hard on yourself!!
   — chance2lv

July 24, 2001
I know exactly how you feel. It does try my patience sometimes as I read the stories of others who seem to be dropping pounds right and left and my loss seems to be so slow even though I exercise daily and can't eat much of anything. But then I site back and think about it. Afterall, I'm gaiing muscle mass, I feel much better than I have in years and I'm nearly 48 years old...(I haven't had the metabolism of a chipmunk since I was in high school) I know I can't do another thing without threatening my I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and slowly but surely... the weight will go. And the good thing about WLS is that when I do momentarily lose sight of my final goal.. I don't eat for solice.. I can't..and that's a blessing. Have patience... afterall.. what else can you do?
   — Rachael L.

July 24, 2001
Hey there. I know it's frustrating. I compare myself to someone who had surgery 2 days after me and has lost 30 lbs more than I have. But I decided to reevaluate what I have been eating. Too many damn carbs. As hard as it is to believe, when you have too many carbs all you do is crave more. I didn't believe it at first but last night I had one ravioli (that's all I could eat) for dinner (I'm still on soft foods) and all I could think about was how good it tasted and how I wanted more (which is nothing but my mind encouraging me to graze). I finally recognized this as a sabotaging thing and decided to have a protein drink instead. My craving was instantly gone. I know the other posts are telling you to lighten up and I think you should too. But here's something to do if you want to take action -- cut out the carbs, increase the water and protein, and keep track of what you're eating. This is what I have decided to do. Lose the frustration and decide today that you are going to work this thing.
   — [Anonymous]

July 24, 2001
I didn't mean to post anonymously, please feel free to email me if you'd like to chat.
   — Kimberly L.

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