I am almost 2 1/2 years out and have never experienced this before

I had a hernia surgery 8-1 and while on disability I suffered 1 spell of severe abdominal pain after eating mexican chips and salsa. It lasted several hours I thought nothing about it because I had drank a diet pepsi and I thought it might be the carbonation well then Tues of this week I ate at Wendy's got a chili and another diet soda again I got sick it felt like someone was stabbing me in the upper middle abdomen with pain all the way thru the back this lasted about 4 hours then on Weds I ate Mexican food again chips and salsa this time no soda just water and again got the intense pain, belching this went on for hours so I went to see my pcp she sent me to have a Gall bladder scan well they just called and they did not see anything.. I know I'm not making this up so something had to be wrong could it have been an ulcer and if it is wouldn't I have pain pretty much after I eat anything. Any ideas on this, has this happened to anyone else? Thanks    — susan V. (posted on September 19, 2003)

September 19, 2003
I've had a gall bladder attack before (with no gall stones showing up, but they said that was what it was). I have also had an ulcer before and both of those caused me the pain you were describing. I have a friend that is 10 years out and said that several years out she began having ulcers, apparently at the attachment site from your pouch to your intestine. I'd definately have a doctor look at it until they give you an answer you are satisfied with.
   — Denise B.

September 19, 2003
I agree with the first poster. Just because they see stones does not mean it's not your gallbladder. While I had 3 small stones when the surgeon got in there he said the problem was that I had so much gravel and it kept blocking the exit duct. The stones themselves were not big enough to cause that may problems. I think there is some bloodwork they can do also. An ulcer might just being irritated by the food choices and that why it doesn't do it all the time. Maybe you need to discuss with your WLS surgeon or see a gastroenterologist.
   — zoedogcbr

September 19, 2003
Make that "do NOT see stones"
   — zoedogcbr

September 19, 2003
I developed an ulcer at about 4 months out and the pain was unbearable. It went from front to back and would seem to last forever.
   — kathyb

September 19, 2003
Yep, I bet it's an h pylori bacterial infection/ulcer...get the to the dr to get "scoped" - he should be able to tell you right away, get you going on prevacid and nexium, and your pain will be gone within one day. (At least this is what happened in my case.) Good luck.
   — rebeccamayhew

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