Help me find the best plastic surgeon in Southern Illinois

Where should I go to find the best plastic surgeon? Anyone know of any close to Southern Illinois? Has anyone had kids after a tummy tuck, if so how did your tummy look afterward?    — Snowflake_Princess (posted on August 28, 2004)

August 29, 2004
The Doctors state you should be at least 14 months post-op and at a stable weight (still not losing large amount of weight) before you are considered for PS. If you are still losing large amount of weight they may have to go back and redo the surgery. The only time insurance Companys or Doctors may consider conducting the surgery before hand is if there is a medical need. I was just approved for a Butt and thigh lift. I'm 16 months post-op and have been at the same weight (give or take 5 lbs) for the last 4 - 5 months. I have lost over 190 lbs (was 329 lbs). I'm having trouble sitting because of the extra skin on my backside.
   — Linda R.

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