Is there a video of Open RNY surgery I can watch before my surgery?

I am very interested in knowing EXACTLY what will be going on while I am having s urgery. I am interested in a video of Open RNY Bypass, similar to the ones seen on the television show "The Operation" which shoes actual surgical procedures from start to finish. I have seen the Carnie Wilson operaton and that is not what I am looking for.    — Sandra A. (posted on May 14, 2000)

May 14, 2000
Sandra: I don't want to leave your question unanswered, So I'll offer what assistance I can.. I do recall seeing this on some sight I visited.. I'll do my best the next few days to locate that information for you. In the mean time I just listed some sights for you to visit.. Lots of expert documentation and tons of information for you to research. <p> "If you are considering weight loss surgery (WLS), also referred to as bariatric surgery, start your research with these informative sights". <p> This will give you a history of WLS. & There is a general discussion of WLS and what it can and can not do for you. In addition to the above history URL, it has a listing of Bariatric surgeons. <p> This is devoted to discussing forms of gastric bypass operations, which are considered the "gold standard" of WLS. <p> ( Academey of Bariatric Surgery) Great Links for you to research <p> Dr. Champion gives a good discussion of WLS, particularly the laproscopic approach. Also an excellent surgeon in and out in few days. Wealth of information on this sight. <p> Dr. Rutdlege does a slight different laproscopic procedure he calls the mini-gastric bypass. <p> More Great sights with tons of information... <p> (Dr. William D. Yates & Dr. Kevin J. Mitchell St. Louis , MO) <p> (Dr. Paul M Selinkoff and Dr. John Pilcher at Surgical Consultants of San Antonio) <p> (Alvarado Center for Surgical Weight Control A Medical Group, San Diego, California) <p> (Bariatric Treatment Centers: Michigan, Illinois, Ohio) <p> (Right Weight) <p> (Fobi) <p> (The Surgical Clinic of Central Arkansas) <p> (ThinnerTimes Gastric Bypass Surgery for Morbid Obesity) <p> if you're not totally wore out form all these sights here is a webring with over 100 patient websites to read and research their journals and history.. <p> Faces of Weight Loss <p> <p> Open Divided Proximal RNY 12/8/99..Beginning weight 367 as of last week 260.. Please visit my profile page for more information and reccipes.
   — Victoria B.

May 14, 2000
Carnie Wilson had her surgery done online at Her's was a lap RNY. Hope this helps. Mari
   — Mari R.

May 16, 2000
Hi, If you go into the web site you can watch Carnie Wilson surgery. Or you can go to the library and they might have something. Good luck.
   — Andria S.

August 12, 2000
I located a streaming video for "roux en Y " gastric Bypass Surgery here is the link .. (this is not Carnie Wilson video) <a href="">Video</a><br>
   — Victoria B.

August 12, 2000
This isn't an answer to your question. I just watched the video from The Obesity Treatment Center and I was REALLY impressed! If you want to know exactly what's going to happen - watch this video. I can hardly wait for my son to come home so he can watch it with me. He's a premed student and is very interested in the surgery I'm going to be having in (gulp) 19 days!
   — georgiacarol

August 12, 2000
Georgia: I thought everyone would get a kick out of seeing this video glad you liked it <a href="">The Obesity Treatment Center</a><br>
   — Victoria B.

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