When can I swallow pills again?

When is it safe to start taking pills instead of liquid pain relief? When can I start swalling my vitamins instead of chewing them? And can I take the pill soon? I'm 5 days post-op.    — tdrzal (posted on April 10, 2001)

April 10, 2001
Hi Tina, I was able to swallow pills at 5 days post. I take 30 pills a day and have no problem just take them one at a time. The large ones I crushed up and mixed with pudding Jello sugar free. Some my Doc switched to fluid but I liked the pills better if you have ever had fluid KDUR you will understand LOL. Time release are out for me, also don't drink alot of water or whatever it will send them right through you and you don't get what you need Good Luck OH I had a RNY Distal open. May God Bless You.
   — William C.

April 10, 2001
I started back on hormones and paxil at 2 days post op. I have to say, the paxil burns a little if I have an empty stomach though. Also, I believe it's been said, the standard is to break up anything bigger than a plain m&m.
   — Amy K.

April 11, 2001
It really depends on your surgery.. I am seeking the RNY and will have to chew or crush most pills for the rest of my life.. unless I am able to find those that disolve quickly etc.
   — Dawn R.

April 11, 2001
I was swallowing whole Vicoden at 4 days post op in the hospital. No problem. (open DS). ---->>
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 11, 2001
I would suggest waiting to take pills until you get the ok from your doctor. After that you may want to crush them at first, then cut them in 1/2 and later you should be able to take the whole thing. I am 7 months post RNY and can take almost anything. My calcium pill is pretty good sized and I can take a Vicodan without cutting it if I need it.
   — georgiacarol

April 13, 2001
I had a lap RNY and my surgeon started me on Percocet tablets for pain management the day after surgery. I was discharged home the next day with instructions to take my tablet medications as usual. This surgeon is an internationally recognized bariatric surgeon and implements this regimen with all his patients. I had no problems at all. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

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