I was denied, what do I do now?

I just recieved the denial papers there decision is based on... 1.Evidence of physician participation in a diet regiment for a significant period of time. 2.Specific life threatening conditions that accompany this obesity. 3.An evaluation by a psychiatrist when there are known phychiatric diagnoses present. It read each of these requirements are important in judging potential success from this extensive surgery. Our decision is based on law A.A.C R9-22-201. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME WHAT DO I DO NOW??? I HAVE 60 DAYS TO APPEAL IM 410 POUNDS I MUST HAVE THIS SURGERY    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on April 27, 2001)

April 27, 2001
Can you find a Dr you have ever seen that would state they have supervised you on any thing including low call, rx or anything? Also work w/ your dr to diagnose the comorbidities.. sleep apnea, high bloodpressure, GERD (heartburn), urinary incontince, shortness of breath, chronic back pain etc. Go see a psychiatrist.. I had a review with one it was required by my surgery.. I had to take an eating test and the MMPI and passed them both. Good luck big time.. I wish you the best.
   — Dawn R.

April 27, 2001
Read the profile of Daniel Cole, same doctor , same health ins., same state. maybe he can help you. Good luck. I currently have unitedhealth care and I'm sure glad I did NOT have it when I had my surgery. I would also write my state insurence commissoner and enclose a picture of yourself. How dare they say this is not medically necessary. What kind of cruel insensitive monsters are they? You will be in my prayers.
   — Rose A.

May 2, 2001
This website may be able to help you: Good luck!
   — Annabell R.

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