How common is it for a surgeon not to require any preop testing?

   — [Anonymous] (posted on September 8, 2001)

September 8, 2001
It is very uncommon. I would be VERY, VERY concerned about the quality of any doc who would perform major surgery with no pre-op testing.
   — [Anonymous]

September 8, 2001
I agree with the previous poster. Preoperative tests are used to make sure you are physically fit enough to wake up from the anestiesia(sp?) and to make them aware of any possible complications. This way they can either prevent them or can antisipate them.
   — Carla C.

September 9, 2001
This is MAJOR SURGERY!!!! I would be very worried if I did not have pre-op testing. Anytime a person is put under there is a risk, but that risk is even more for us because of our weight.
   — [Anonymous]

September 9, 2001
I had open RNY on 8-6-01 and had no pre-op testing either. I had one of the top bariatric surgeons in Dallas and had confidence in him so I wasn't terribly concerned but I was suprised. The day before surgery I had an appt. and expected all these terrible tests and he just took my blood pressure and sent me on my way. My surgery went perfect so don't worry as long as you know you can trust your surgeon that's the main point.
   — Janet A.

September 9, 2001
I only had an ekg done. That was all my pre-op testing. But I had PREADMISSION TESTING DONE. Another ekg, blood work. That was all. Most docs will do PAT testing but some won't do pre-op testing. Such as endoscopy, stress tests, ekg, cardiac clearance, pulmonary clearance tests, pap tests, mammography, etc. These are up to the discretion of the doctor.
   — rose B.

September 9, 2001
I would run the other way....You actually need alot of pre-op testing before this surgery. EKG, Endoscopy, blood work, chest x-ray and mental health clearance...I would for your sake find another doctor...Good Luck
   — Melissa S.

September 9, 2001
I had nothing but bloodwork at my pre-admission testing about 1 week before surgery. I had open VBG--maybe this is the difference? Maybe when they do all of the bypassing of the intestines and such in other procedures, they need to do more pre op testing? I felt perfectly comfortable with my pre op plan, and am doing just fine 4 months post op. My surgeon is also one of the best in this area, and I have great trust in him.
   — Sonni W.

September 10, 2001
Preop testing is ordered based upon a review of your current medical records. Obviously, some people need a lot of tests, some would not. I didn't have any - except for when I entered the hospital (blood cross-typing, and such).
   — Cindy H.

September 10, 2001
I would be very concerned. I believe everyone should have some sort of testing before surgery. What if you have a heart condition? What if your blood levels are low? This is important information for the anesthesiologist (?). Your lungs should also be checked. With folks such as us, being obese, we have hidden things wrong with us. I was so fat, I had three hernias the size of grapefruits and didn;t even know it...I also had a ruptured appendix the time of surgery. I would definetly be careful and I would question the reason why no pre op testing is given. This is major surgery and you just want to be safe. Just be safe. Better safe than sorry. Wish you all God's love! My before and after pics..
   — Angela A.

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