April 30th, YAY!!!

Tracy G.
on 3/3/04 2:33 pm - Bellevue, WA
I've finally got a date!!! I have been waiting to get a new date for several years now. I was scheduled for this surgery back in 2001, but two days before surgery I was in a car accident and had to cancel the surgery. I'm hoping I have better luck this time around. Unfortunately my surgery is high risk. I have a recent history of pancreatitis and Dr. Li says that may cause problems for doing the procedure laproscopically. Im young though (only 23) so I should be able to handle it fine. Atleast that is what I keep telling myself. I don't have an angel yet, but I am hoping to get to know some more people off this website before my surgery. I will be starting the surgery at appx. 285 and hope to lose atleast 75lbs in time for my wedding in September. I won't be crushed if I don't lose that much, but anything is better than where i'm at right now.
Heather C.
on 3/3/04 9:19 pm - Knoxville, TN
Hi Tracy, Congradulations on getting a date !!! I'll be praying for you that you will have no complications and that your surgery will go smoothly also that you will have a speedy recovery! I have my surgery for April 1st. I also have a wedding in november and hope to have lost that much by then. I'm also pretty new to the site and don't know anyone. If you need someone to talk to i'm here for ya! Heather
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