3 days to go

cathie M.
on 5/25/03 12:56 pm - culver city, ca
today is the last day I will eat solid foods for quite some time. I am so excited and worried about the next two days b/4 surgery how will I ever get thru them I am going to keep myself as busy as possible, and I fear that something will go wrong to delay I have waited so long. I am sure I have become parinoid I am getting over a cold and now if anyone sneeze's near me I take off in the opisite direction. Well no bar- b- que this memorial day just jello. l I am off to my last meal and have always wanted to go to a black angus but their are none in our area so today I will travel a bit and have my last feast for the rest of my life. good luck to everyone having their surgery soon.see you on the other side.
Donna R.
on 5/27/03 3:11 am - Mt Bethel, Pa
Hi Cathy, I'm right there with you. My last day for food was actually my anniversary. So it worked out. My date is the 28th also and I know that God is going to keep us both in his loving arms safe from any harm. I pray that He guides your surgeons hands with skill. I pray that God's angels encampo around you and keep you safe. god Bless, Donna
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