my 1 year good news bad news - I am still able function and move around

Ann Shaffer
on 10/26/06 1:12 pm - Caledonia, NY
My 1 year was great from a weight loss perspective. I was 6 pounds from goal. Then in the end of Sept my multiple sclerosis (MS) acted up which meant more steroids and weight gain. Ok... but the next phase of the medication and treatment thedoctors said that I couldn't do, but the doctors weren't worried. So I gained weight and was no better. My MS got really bad - I lost the vision in my right eye, so major steroids and follow up with major steroids that I am still on. I have now regained at least 15 pounds and rebroke 200 pounds (I'm sure). I have changed MS doc's completeley and am now on a totally different treatment and who knows how my body will react to this medicine - it is a medication that they use (usually) for anti-rejection of kidneys. Generally weight gain goes with this type of medicine. I also saw my surgeon during this weight gain phase. We did talk about the general poor food choices that I was making but that I needed to get healthy first and then we would get the weight off. He wants to see me in 3 months and wants the "last" 17 pounds off. I need to keep my head on straight health and weight can go hand in hand - I just need to learn how. Thanks for listening - I really have missed you all. thanks for listening. Ann
Laura Susan
on 10/27/06 5:39 am - Savannah, GA
I am so sorry you are having a hard time with your health. I do understand I have systemic lupus and the threat of having a big flare up is always there. Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers. laura
Ann Shaffer
on 10/27/06 12:56 pm - Caledonia, NY
Thank you for sharing. I know that systemic lupus is not nice at all, I (in my own sick way like knowing that I am not alone in this surgrey/ disease process). I know that the surgery was a good part of my treatment plan. Best of luck - I'll keep you in my prayers and thoughts. Ann
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