Diahrea OFTEN for 2 wks+ ?????

on 12/1/06 12:16 pm - Clarksville, TN
Well I am 14 mths post op and have had no diahrea through my 14 mths..EXCEPT for the last 2 wks. I know, this could be NON-related to my surgery, but I sit here seeking anyone else who maybe had this happen to them and see if there may be an answer.. I have not changed my foods/intake or the location from which I am eating... I cannot think of 1 thing in my food that is any different to cause such wierd reactions.. I have had cold like symptoms ( sore throat, cough) but feel for the most part I've knocked those symptoms, but the diahrea comes for 2-3 days...goes for 1 day, and then is back again... I'm at a loss....I'm scheduled to have a Breast Reduction on Dec 11th and am fearful to go to my PCM before then as i don't want to interfere w/ my surgery date for something that is trivial..but still..
Blessed B
on 12/1/06 10:40 pm
Heather~ We've been having that crud go around here. I ended up having a little touch of it last week. I had a bit of diahrrea with it (which was weird because I am pretty much always constipated) Maybe your body is still trying to fight off the virus? I would make an appointment with your doctor. I hope you're staying hydrated!! I know when I come down sick with something, my body doesn't produce the same symptoms as it did last year. I ended up having a nasty sinus infection and I hadn't a clue! I thought something was going wrong with my blood pressure..and there was..but it was due to an infection. I hope your breast reduction goes well for you! Let me know how it goes. I've been thinking about it myself but I just don't know right now?? You look great too by the way! Congrats on your success
on 12/3/06 2:28 am - new york, NY
I am very sorry to hear your having this trouble. I strongly feel it is important to find out what the cause is before you go in for more surgery. It is hard enough for our bodies to heal when we are 100%. It sounds viral but your best bet is to get it checked out before subjecting yourself to surgery. Safest thing is check with your doc! Good luck. LisaMarie
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