4 hrs away from my new birthday

on 10/28/09 5:26 pm - Houston, TX
Well my friends, my new birthday has arrived.  I am expected to be at the hospital in 4hrs to get prepared for surgery at 8:30am.

I am so ready for this.  Surprisingly I am not nervous (yet..!!) we'll see as I start getting closer to my destination.

Please keep me in your prayers.  Looking forward to sharing this experience with the rest of you.
 Adabel P.
HW 324 / SW 318/ CW 179 / GW 155

on 10/29/09 7:38 am - Kenosha, WI
Hope your surgery went great and that your recovery goes smoothly!
I'm proud to be a Geeky Mom, and read about it here (clicky)!

on 10/29/09 9:42 am
saying lots of prayers that things went well for you today and continue to through your journey !!!
on 10/30/09 5:05 am
 I hope that everything went well and you have a speedy recovery. Keep us posted on your progress!
My Realize Journey started 10/15/2009. 
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