Wednesday Weigh in & Accountability

on 6/9/09 11:05 pm - san antonio, TX
Hope you guys dont mind me starting this - looks like i might be the first one on line this morning.

Highest Weight 295
Lowest Weight 181
Last Week 204
Current Weight 201.8
(like how 201.8 sounds so much better than 202)

My question to you this week (may be a moot one to some of you teeny tinys) but at what weight will you be content? and has that number changed from 2 1/2 years ago?

When I had surgery i did not set a long as i was 5 pounds less than i was last week i was happy with that. As time moved on, I set my goal to not be "overweight" any more. I am 5'7 so that weight would be 159. Now that I have had a "relapse" of bad behavior, i think that i would be okay with 175 realistically. That number is still "overweight" but i think it is okay--and certainly attainable. So at least for now i am shooting for 175- that is 26.8lbs away. We can re-evaluate once we get there. How about you guys? Even you teeny tinys--are you okay where you are now?
Beatriz A.
on 6/10/09 12:44 am - Sunny Miami, FL
Good Morning!!!!

My weigh in was monday, but here it's

HW: 320+
Lowest: 174(april 08)
Current: 191

I always had a goal for myself....anything below 180...I was there for a while but I am up to 191 now. Right now I working very hard to get below 180 again. I have to do it, becuase if I let myself go then I will be over 200 soon and it will be even harder to get below 180, so I am trying to cut carbs and sweets(chocolate) from my diet and alcohol too. The hard part for me is to exercise, any motivational tips?
on 6/10/09 1:13 am - san antonio, TX
Shoot I don't have any motivational tips for exercise. It is really hard for me too...I like it once I am there....but getting there is so hard. I have been paying a trainer since October of last year to meet with me 2x per I can tell you that I go AT LEAST 2x per week (it is a $$ thing, if i cancel less than 24 hours in advance I lose my session)- but I do say it costs a lot of money just because Dawn cannot be accountable to is like a $50 per hour babysitter that tortures me!

Congrats on not going into the "200's" i wish that i would have avoided it snuck up on me so fast...scary!

Hang in there B- it is good talking to you ....
Beatriz A.
on 6/10/09 8:33 am - Sunny Miami, FL
ouch....that got to hurt....but at least you do exercise twice a week even if you have to pay him to torture you. Keep it up!!!!
on 6/10/09 1:48 am, edited 6/10/09 2:47 am - Northwood, IA
Good Morning Dawn! Thanks for starting this thread!! You ROCK! 

You are doing great, your scale is going down, regardless how far down it goes, its going DOWN and you aren't gaining! BIG PAT ON THE BACK .  Good job!!!!

Q: My question to you this week (may be a moot one to some of you teeny tinys) but at what weight will you be content? and has that number changed from 2 1/2 years ago?

A: Great question!  I am content (most days!) at my current weight.  I am doing ok but is isn't easy and I know it has to be worked.  Being in the spotlight as a support group leader and also as the first hired bariatric coordinator at my smaller hospital and well known that I had RNY by most medical professionals there... well it makes me a walking "billboard" if you will... its stressful but I guess it keeps me intact.  I feel VERY MUCH under the microscope to have someone watch what I eat or call me on weight gain.  I hate that but it is life and humans suck that way! Truthfully... So the pressure I do believe has helped me maintain and as u know I am very active in support from online to in life.. I also don't work during the week, I have no children and so my excuses are none.  I know that.  I know it is harder when u have a "real life" which I do not have right now.  I took this job so I could focus on myself and then when I have kids watch over them without work getting in the way.  The key for me is keeping the stressers at a minimum.  Luckily exercise is my transfer addiction.  It has been hard the past 6 weeks not doing more than walking.  Yesterday I went to the gym and worked out! It was awesome.. even ran some.  I have missed it soooo much.  I will walk the dogs every other day to easy into it.  Today will be that day for the doggies.  I would like to maintain here or even stick at 130 now that I am done with PS for now.  When I get boobs (IF EVER!) I will let a couple pound gain happen then!   A pound a boob would be nice or ever more LOL.

HW: 328
SW: 280
CW: 133.5
LW: 134 - I edited my post b/c I put the wrong weight in.
Goal: 130ish

Hugs, Melissa

RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 6/10/09 4:47 am - san antonio, TX
I would really like to get me a transfer addiction like that....i want to LOVE to work out....i just know that it is necessary......sigh.

Thanks for the encouragement.
Nancy H.
on 6/10/09 7:45 am - CA
When I had my surgery, I was aiming for 165. I remember wearing a bikini when I was 17 and weighed 165. My boyfriend and I were camping in Santa Barbara with his parents and we had taken a long walk on the beach. We didn't notice the tide coming in, and when we did, we could no longer get back on the sand. In my bikini, I climbed up the hill/mountain to the road and we walked the mile back to the campsite. I remember feeling pretty good back then.
But when I was still losing past 165, I liked my new slef better each week. I got down to 139, I thought, but then I bought a new scale and it showed 143. I am very happy at 143 to 145 and I don't want to ever go up from there. I am scared every day as I watch a few people I know gain weight and they are a year or so farther out than me. It gets easier to eat each day, but I am determined to stay in control, something I never felt I could do before surgery. I keep telling myself that NOTHING TASTES BETTER THAN SKINNY FEELS! I want to be a size 4-6 forever, and sometimes I am glad I am old so I won't have to fight as long as others.

Heather M.
on 6/10/09 1:05 pm - Modesto, CA
HW: 281
SW: 260
LW: 151
CW: 181

So, down 2-3 lbs.  Yeah!  Go away baby weight!

And speaking of baby weight, Caitlin is finally gaining.  She's now 8.4 lbs, as of today.  She'll be three weeks on Friday.
Heather + Caitlin Marie
Caitlin's Vitals: Born 5/22/09, at 9:22 AM, 7 lbs, 20 3/4 inches long.  Looks like her daddy!
on 6/10/09 2:10 pm - Spokane, WA
Well, I have avoided showing up here all day but I have to be accountable.  Not a good week...the scale went up again.  Sigh...  Well, it was good to read about everybody else's good week.  I'm very proud of you and want to do better to get back to living up to the hard work you are doing.

HW: 268
SW: 230
Lowest: 130
LW: 146
CW: 147

When I first had surgery I was too afraid of failure to set a number goal and just concentrated on following the rules and sticking with the program to make good, lifelong changes.  They haven't all stuck and I have to get back to them because along the way of losing I adopted a goal of 130 and feel like such a failure now for not being there.

But realistically, my body seems happiest around 140-143 and getting below 140 is harder work than I want to do.  Anything over 143 puts me in a panic because that was my surgeon's goal weight and I have been rather prideful of being at 100% weight loss status.  So the last few weeks having blown past that are hard for me and feel very shameful.  Gotta quit focusing on the negative and just concentrate on what I know I NEED to do.  Put down the sugar free stuff and pick up the water bottle.  Already getting more panicky because the pms is starting in again and the chocolate is calling my name louder each day.  Gotta bake more chocolate bran muffins...

have to go to bed, big family stress today and another early day again tomorrow.


Highest weight 268, Pre-consultation weight: 255, surgery day weight 230
on 6/11/09 12:56 am - Morehead, KY

I really need to start posting here.....

highest weight: 251
original goal weight:  130
lowest weight:  119
last week:  129
current week:  133

It is period week for me but I've got to get back below 130.  That's where I'm happy.  Would love to be 125.  I looked sick when I was 119.


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