Yesterday I ate ....... And I moved Friday

on 8/7/09 11:47 pm - san antonio, TX
Good morning and happy weekend- I am trying this from my iPhone so we will see how it goes. I did not have a good compliant day- I kept thinking of Melissa saying "kettle corn, the end" and laughing. Usually when I do so crappy I don't write it down and thus begins a spiral- this generally happens on Friday, Saturday & Sunday- well that is half the week if you look at it. So as crappy as I did I calculated- I will Not get into the details-

Calories 1460
Fat 71 g (40%)
Carbs 161g (40%)
Protein 76g (20%)

Ok these are the right % but Carbs should be 20% & Protein should be 40%! My " exercise" if you would care to call it that is I moppped the tile in my house ( swept & vaccuumed it first) almost my entire 2000 sq feet is tile -and I mopped it on my hands and knees! I H A T E mopping! Then I washed my car the old fashioned way ! Felt like a work out-
Well G and I went to the gym at 7 am this morning so we are back on track for today ! It is my neice's 9th birthday so probably going to eat out tonight- but I think she has chosen a steak house which is easy to do!
on 8/8/09 3:19 am - Northwood, IA
Ya know, I do the same thing. I see someone else say they slipped up and I think, well I can too!

i thought about that after I posted it.  Sorry about that.  I wanted to be honest but at the same time it almost provides a "out" or a "invitation" or excuse? to graze on crap foods for others, at least it has that affect on me!  I am sorry about that.... DO FORGIVE ME!

I am going to the state fair on Thursday to see Steven Curtis Chapman with my husband, I love fairs but all the food are way too much temptation for me.  

My plan of action this week.... keep on the decarb route other than a couple occasional SF lattes b/c we are staying at my inlaw's lake cottage for the week and there is my fav coffee shop there. I am not even going to deprive myself, this will be my treat.  I get it with soy and SF syrup. Not bad at all, like 140 calories for a large iced one.

Ok, then I am going to eat as much MEAT as I can at the fair.. pork chop on a stick anyone.  I will allow myself that and MAYBE some popcorn at the end of the night in a very CONTROLLED portion (not kettle corn.. regular popcorn) if I am good as a reward BUT nothing else.. gonna try really hard, I am there ALL day.

I may even bring a protien bar with me for something sweet.. since I know I will be tempted.

Keep up the good work, I am glad you are forgiving yourself and moving on, trulyt hat IS what it is all about.. if we are good 90 percent and bad 10% (which I don't recommend but come on it is reality) then we are doing well I think.

Hang in there, keep on posting, you are doing great.

And again, sorry about the kettle corn incidient.!!! 

Hugs, Melissa

RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 8/8/09 5:34 am - san antonio, TX
For the love of God! My missteps are soooo not your fault! I just thought that it was funny( the saying, that is)- kind of like when your momma cusses you never expect it - so it seems amusing! The fair is going to be fun for you guys steven Curtis chapman! This is life, we have our ups and downs- we just have to get up brush ourselves off and continue forward! Have fun! Talk to ya later
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