Can someone answer some questions for me? Please???

on 8/17/06 2:50 am - Benito, Canada
Today I have a doctors appointment with my GP. We will be going over some paper work and forms sent back from Dr. Davis in Edmonton. I was wondering if there is anyone out there who has been or is going through the process with Dr. Davis and can help me. How many appoinments do/did you have with him before your actual surgery? How long were you in the hospital? How many appoinments after the surgery? How long before you can/should go back to work? I am from Manitoba, and my husband is having a hard time in the first place with me trying to get the procedure done. He is using the time away from him and the children as a big excuse for me not to go. I NEED TO GO!!! He can't change my mind. However, he did get me concerned about time away from home. I have my childcare covered though, but I was wondering about returning to my passion. I am an Educational Assistant in a local school. If someone has the time, I would love the response. I am soo happy to see that I am not the only one who is considering this type of surgery as help. Diets have been a long time friend, and I am sick of being disappointed. Hopefully this will be the answer to a problem I have had my whole life. Take care All A.K.A. Big Momma
on 8/18/06 8:33 am - Lacombe, Canada
I am not a Davies patient. Hopefully someone here can answer your questions. If not join I know there are alot of Davies patients there. Good luck. Paula
on 8/19/06 8:09 am - edmonton, Canada
I am a PT of Dr Davies, however, I have been seeing him for over a year without having the surgery so far. But, I was also hospitalized ion April for 5 weeks after I had an emergency Lap Coli (Gallbladder removal) which went any way but good!! I see him in Sept again so hopefully I will know more then. Erin
on 8/19/06 9:44 am - Benito, Canada
Sorry to hear about the gallbladder issue..I wish you luck for your September Appointment...and I can't wait to hear from you. Leigh;-)
Lori .
on 8/23/06 4:44 am - Shuswaps, Canada
Hi Big Momma, I did not have Dr. Davis for a surgeon, but might have some general info on my experience. Is it RNY your are having? Does Dr. Davis do open RNY or Laprascopic? I had open RNY with Dr. Nohr. The normal course in hospital is 5 days. I was in for 7 because he didn't like my travel plans (he didn't want me to fly home so soon because of the risk of thrombosis/ blood clots). I was off work for 2 months. Others who have had lap RNY have been back to work within a couple of weeks. You will be tired and likely emotional for the first couple of months, regardless of your surgery type. It is a huge adjustment for any "body". Many of us who choose WLS do so because we have health conditions which will dramatically shorten our lives. In fact, other health comorbidities is criteria for most provincial health plans, in order to approve the surgery in the first place, especially if you are going out of province. This MIGHT be an approach to take with your husband, if it is true in your case. You can justify this short length of time away, because it means you will be with him longer in the end, and (hopefully) will spend less time away having other medical problems dealt with. Sometimes as mothers and partners, we need to take some time to take care of ourselves, so that we can fully be there for others. Good luck on your journey to better health. Also, having people around you who support your decision is very important. If you can not get that support at home, than sometimes you can find it here. Lori
Carolyn W.
on 8/26/06 11:36 pm - Edmonton, Canada
Hi - I'm a Dr. Davey/Birch patient living in Edmonton. My initial referral was sent to Dr. Davey in Nov 03 and I never heard a word until October 05 when the process all started. Meet with the nurse on the team in October then had a couple of appointments with the Dietician in Dec and Jan. Finally saw Dr. Birch (my main doctor) in Feb and was approved for the surgery. Had my actual surgery done on Apr 18/06. This is the normal process - nurse who explains the surgeries then several dietician appts - then the doc then usually within around 8 weeks of seeing the doc you're booked for surgery. This is the process for the actual bariactric clinic route. There is also a program called Weight Wise - I think now people start there and then may go directly to the bariactric clinic route. I had a laprascopic RNY done - surgeries are done on Tues and you are usually released on Friday. Some people are ready to go back to work within a few weeks but I did take 4 weeks off. I had the time and I didn't want to go back to wor****il I knew that I had the eating part pretty down and knew what I could eat without making me sick. You will be on a liquid type diet - jello, pudding, soup, etc for the first two weeks then its usually regular food after that and you are basically testing to see what works for you. The dietician will give you a booklet that suggests the meal format and how to eat. It is important that you eat your protein first and that you take your vitamins and calcium supps every day. You usually see the doc 2 weeks post op - then 3 mths then 6 mths as far as I know. I'm 4 mths out now but don't have my six mth booked yet. I think then its a year then every year after. My post op appts so far have been with Dr. Davey. They both did my surgery. And have both been doing the surgery together for a long time. Dr. Birch spoke at our support meeting a few mths ago and he said that they are thinking of doing the surgery alone now. FYI - Dr. Davey has been doing WLS for a very long time and is the chief of surgery at the Royal Alex. Dr. Davey is one of the top laparscopic surgeons in Canada. He joined the team and Dr. Davey taught him the surgeries and Dr. Birch taught Davey how to do it laparscopic rather than open. They've been doing them lap since late 2004 early 2005 - I know one of the first few people that had it done lap in Jan of 05. I'm doing great - down over 100 from highest weight and around 70 from surgery weight. If you want more info don't hesitate to e-mail me. The Alberta Board on here is not that busy - on here we tend to go to the different mths of our dates. There is a Western Canada support group and an Edmonton Support Group The western Canada will have patients mostly of Dr. Farries and Dr. Nohr plus Davey and Birch and some others. The Edmonton one is mostly Davey and Birch patients. I'm a member of both plus this one of course. It's important to get as much info as possible. By the way - now that you have made this decision don't let anyone talk you out of it - it has been the best think I could have done for me and my family is so happy for me. I'm at a point now where I'm almost getting the size of my teenage daughters and that could be a little problem but they are happy for me. I'm sure the day will come when I will be smaller than them - tee hee!!! won't that be b-a-a-d.....But you do this for you and to save your life - don't let your husband tell you no cause he has to take a few days off - so what we are talking about the rest of your years living as a healthy person - YEARS!!!! And if he can't get the time - who cares - you don't need him for every appt. Keep your chin up and good luck - this is a great decision you have made as long as you have made it fully aware...... Carolyn in Edmonton
on 10/14/06 4:15 pm - Edson, Canada
hey there..Dr.D was my dr, process took just over a year from start to finsh, pretty much wat the other post was...I had a VBG converted to an RNY...Yesterday was 4 months post op, started out at 235 pounds and I am down to 177, thats 58 down and less than 20 or so to go...people are saying I am skinny enough!!! bear with it he was great, knows his crap and doesn't rush into things....hope it works out can check out my profile but Ican't find it!! Stacey
on 11/26/06 12:33 pm - Canada
Hi Stacey St. Pierre, this question is for you. As of today I am new to this forum and am looking for support to what may be an upcoming revision. My story - had a VBG almost 10yrs ago, initially great, lost almost 80lbs in 8 mo, then the unthinkable, my band slipped off - knew it the day it happened. Dr. Davey was my doctor, he did a revision almost 2 yrs to the day after my initial surgery. Bad news,no chg. Almost 8 yrs later I have almost gained almost all the weight back and am desperate to set things right. I have full supprt from my GP and family. It is almost a year since my first appt with Dr Davey, I have had tests, and have seen his dietician for 6 mo. Next is my appt with Dr Davey, I hope he will be able to make this right - after all this time. I have faith. When was your VBG, did Dr Davey say RNY was the best option?? I am happy to see I am not the only VBG gone ...... Thanks CINDY
on 10/25/06 6:02 pm - Yellowknife, Canada
Hi Big Momma, I just logged in for the second time since I joined. I read you questions, and can answer a few. My Dr is also in Edm at the Royal Alexander. I know it can be frustrating to get to the appts as I live in Yellowknife NWT. But if you want this TOOL and that's how you have to look at it and not a cure or a miracle solution then your well on your way. You probably will have 6-8 pre op appointments. I have a freind that had the operation Jan 06 2005 he has now just got back from Edm after his tummy tuck. He will have to go back again in a few weeks. So it's really an on going life change forever. I hope that I answered a few questions Denyse
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