Surgery class

on 7/27/15 8:10 pm

i just had another visit with my nurse and dietician! My nurse has signed me up for a surgery class in September, what does this class entail and is there more than one class? I am curious about what others have experienced.  Just curious as well how long after these surgery classes did you obtain your scope and surgery date?

on 7/29/15 7:24 am - Calgary, Canada

That's a really good question as I have just received my orientation appointment for August. I have no idea of the steps that have to be taken or what happens next after the orientation or the time line of each. I will be watching this post closely to see what you find out

Tracey Dick-Olson


on 7/30/15 7:34 pm

Hi Tracey,

How long did you have to wait to get an orientation appointment? My dr. has sent in a referral but I am still waiting for an appointment.

on 7/30/15 8:06 pm - Calgary, Canada

Hi Jbell

My referral was received February 23, 2015 and orientation is August. 19 so almost 6 months. BUT they thought at first it was going to be October or November before orientation would happen. So 3 months earlier than they had originally thought. Now to find out the time frame for everything else. As I find out I will make sure to update everyone. At least you will have an idea of how long it takes. Oh one other thing I should mention. I have had the heart stress test already done the one where you have to go on the treadmill and get pictures of your heart done, I went and had my sleep test already done and found out that I do in fact have sleep apnea and I am on the CPAP machine now, I have had several blood work tests done and will need to have them done again as it was a few months ago. I set up my first living well nutrition class for September and I have started journaling my daily food intake. So when I go to my orientation they will see how serious I am and if there was any health issues I would have had the time to address them prior to the appointment. It also shows commitment and determination to a healthy life.

Tracey Dick-Olson


on 7/30/15 8:09 pm - Calgary, Canada

Did you get set up for your surgery class when you went for your intake appointment?

Tracey Dick-Olson


on 8/5/15 12:30 pm

Hi Traceylynn,


No I had my intake appointment back in May, then I have seen my Nurse x 2, physcologist x 1, Internist x 1, dietitican x 2 and gone for a sleep study, bloodwork, so far, I have more appointments to see all of them including the surgery class and emotional eating group beginning in September.  It is a process but it seems to have been flying by so far. :)

on 8/5/15 12:10 pm - Canada

Hi, I had my surgery class in May of this year. I had seen Dr. Church at the clinic sometime after all the classes were done. He approved me for surgery. I then met with the Dr. who will do my surgery a couple months later. I am having the surgery in Oct. this year, but have to re-take the pre-op nutrition class again as it is required to be done within the 3 months prior to surgery. this whole process from start has been well over a year.



on 8/5/15 12:28 pm

Thanks Ricky,

How many surgery classes are there in total?  I had my initial intake at the beginning of May, my first surgery class is close to the end of December and I will be in a group in the evenings starting in September as well for 11 weeks to deal with overeating. Are you happy so far with your progress and the clinic itself?  I have nothing but positives about the clinic.  My Case workers and all of the others disciplines I have seen so far have been great.  I am looking forward to being healthier!

on 8/5/15 6:31 pm - Calgary, Canada

Thank you for your reply Ricky I am scheduled for my first nutrition class in sept. I have had my heart test done, my sleep apnea test (I now have a CPAP machine) my back MRI my knee MRI, my Foot MRI all which show Osteoarthritis,

I know this is not the easy way out it is a tool I need because I do not digest food, I have stomach problems where I look pregnant, my stomach is hard like Im pregnant, I have had every test known to man for several years for the same problem and they cannot find anything wrong.  This is my last hope I have had dreams where my husband has operated on me to find out what the problem is.  I have had scopes, barium, xrays, ultra sounds,  blood work you name it and nothing.  I find it hard to bend over i truly look like I am pregnant. I dont have roles my upper body cabity is too hard to have roles.  I have done so much research I have tried every diet pill, weigh****chers, calorie counting, elimination of food, eating less, eating more frequently everything, Pain in my body (joints) prevents me from excersizing, I need help, looking so forward to the classes, I am just anxious about surgery because I am hoping that finaly once and for all i will be without pain. I am 49 years old and ever since I was 3 I have had stomach problems. I am loking forward to a new beginning, new life without pain that all :)


Tracey Dick-Olson


on 8/6/15 11:30 am - Canada

I do truly hope the best for you and that the surgery helps you immensely. As for Surgery Class there is only one I know of. I went through the weight management courses with Alberta Health. From the start it has been over a year for the classes, and I took some twice, and the approval for surgery. Most of the time is waiting for the approval etc. The classes are mostly 6 weeks @ every Saturday I took one and then dietician meetings, etc. etc. Take the time, I know you want it done but, take it slow and easy and it will come.


Take Care 


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