Saturday night dinner and dancing

on 5/12/08 12:35 pm - Huntsville, AL
Hi all, Me and my fiancee Kevin are going to dinner this Saturday night and then to Hoppers (inside the Holiday Inn) on University Drive.  We just wanted to invite anyone from OH that would like to go with us.  Remember that dancing is exercising and it DOES burn calories. :)  If you don't dance, then bring your Crystal Light and join us.  We order bottled water and mix our own.  We would love the company.  You can contact Kevin or myself for more details if you're interested in going.  We will post later this week when we decide where we're going to dinner and what time, etc. etc.  Love is definitely in the air!  I can't explain it but I sure love him.  He is the one I've been searching for my entire life.  Funny thing is, I wasn't searching.  He just popped into my life by way of OH.  Ain't life strange sometimes?  I feel like I've known him my entire life. I don't ever want to be without him in my life.  My kids love him too.  God is working miracles on this board.  God is good ALL the time! Vicky

"Life is too short not to be happy."

Randall Culpepper
on 5/12/08 12:38 pm - Guntersville, AL
YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED!??  CONGRATULATIONS!   So I guess this means you and Kevin won't be in Montgomery Saturday?  I am SO PROUD FOR YOU GUYS!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
       coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper

on 5/12/08 1:25 pm - Huntsville, AL
Thank you.  Yeah we talked about it and driving 3 hours for dinner is a little far for us since gas has went up so much.  I'd have to bring my boys and they would get cabin fever riding in a car that far.  We decided we'd go to dinner here in Huntsville and invite anyone else up this way that wanted to join us.  I will definitely be there in September to see you and your beautiful bride!  I am so proud for you and Lucy also!  I hope you understand.

"Life is too short not to be happy."

on 5/12/08 4:11 pm - Luverne, AL

WOW..............I am in shock!!!!  LOL!!  CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!  God knows when to bless us when we do not expect it!! AMEN!!!  Let us know the date!!!!!! Sorry you can't make it Saturday, but completely understand!!! Love you my friend!!!!

Michele Luv
on 5/12/08 9:53 pm - Birmingham, AL
CONGRATS my friend!! I am so THRILLED For you two!!!!!!!  You are so right.. GOD is good all the time!! Love YOU!! MicheleLuv

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Carmen G.
on 5/12/08 10:53 pm - Lincoln, AL
Vicky....I cannot come, but I am so thrilled for you and Kevin.  God bless you both. 
Nicole M.
on 5/13/08 12:36 am - Auburn, AL

CONGRATULATIONS! I wish you all the best!

Nicole....WAR EAGLE!!





Lisa S.
on 5/13/08 2:23 am - AL
CONGRATULATIONS to you & Kevin...may you find the happiness you both deserve!
on 5/13/08 9:41 am - Phenix City, AL
Did you say fiancee? Wow...I feel your excitement in your post. I'm glad you two found each other. I posted a little in Kevin's post about cooking you dinner just now but just wanted to share with you. I met my husband Rich on the internet. We lived over 400 miles away but spent an awful lot of time together before we married. We met in August, married in October and every day with him gets better and better than the one before. It can work....I'm living proof.

HW 314, SW 287, PS Weight 198, CW 181

Panniculectomy/Anchor TT   06-10-09 

7.4cc in 10cc band 

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