Ask Amy

Amy I.
on 9/8/09 7:52 am
Coffee   I often get asked “If I have coffee, what has the lowest calories?" Black coffee or iced tea is virtually calorie free. It’s when you order the mochas, caramel macchiatos, flavored lattes, and frappuccinos that the calories, fat, and carbohydrates can add up. You should avoid caffeine for the first 2-3 weeks following surgery as caffeine is not necessarily a hydrating fluid and in fact can be dehydrating. Once you do decide to have coffee, black coffee or tea is your best choice. If you add cream, try to keep it to small amount of non fat or soy milk. A small mocha made with 2% milk (without whipped cream) has 200 calories, 6 grams of fat and 31 grams of carbohydrate. The calories only increase with blended frappuccinos and/or additional flavored syrups. If you do decide to have something different once and awhile, the lowest calorie option would be a small non-fat cappuccino (espresso, foam and milk) or a small non-fat latte (espresso and milk). Chose wisely!      
~ Amy Ingols, RD

Amy Ingols, Registered Dietitian

Laparoscopic Associates of San Francisco

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