I do believe I have had enough

on 4/3/12 4:30 am - Lake Lure, NC
I was banded in November 2008.
I have lost a total of 122.2 pounds.
I was diagnosed with Anorexia-Bulimia in late 2010
Hospitlized 3 times in September 2011 for malnutrition

Here it is 2012 and I cannot lie on my stomach due to my body wanting to vomit everything up. I have constant heartburn and acid reflux. Part of me has acceppted the fact that I will die because of Anorexia-bulimia but part of me feels like I can get better if I get the band taken out.

I want it out...but I am scared to be without it.
What is the process of having it removed when you do not have a dr.

thanks for listening.
Nic M
on 4/3/12 5:09 am
I can't tell you how much my heart goes out to you.
I say this out of care and concern, but please get the band removed, do intensive therapy and then decide where to go from there. It sounds very much like your life is in danger if you do nothing.

If you've been diagnosed and treated for anorexia-bulimia, I would imagine that is enough reason to have insurance pay for band removal. The heartburn and reflux is an ongoing complication, as well. I felt SO much better after band removal, I can't even tell you.

Please take care and let us know how you're doing, OK? I'm sending you good thoughts and my best wishes.



 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


Dev *.
on 4/3/12 6:04 am - Austin, TX
It sounds like you've developed some really maladaptive eating behaviors, so it might be best to have the band out. Have you tried first having it unfilled totally to see how you do? Have you been evaluated for a slip (vomiting a lot can cause one and might explain your heartburn and reflux).

To have it out, you're going to have to have a doctor. Can you go back to the doctor who put it in? What has led to your doctor-less status? Can't really offer much advice without clarification.

Banded 03/22/06  276/261/184 (highest/surgery/lowest)

Sleeved 07/11/2013  228/165 (surgery/current) (111lbs lost)

Mom to two of the cutest boys on earth.

on 4/3/12 7:44 am - Vancouver, WA
I'm so sorry this has caused so much damage to your life. Are you working with anyone on your bulimia, they should be able to steer you to a doc to get the band removed or at least emptied. I had mine emptied because it never did work and I have to tell you it's like having a new life, I can eat again without pain and vomiting. I feel a 1000% better now. You will have to get a doctor to work with on this but I'm sure the bulemia alone will give you a reason for removal. I've read that most people have a much easier time having it removed than when it's put in, they snap back faster after surgery. The band itself "may" be causing the bulemia and vomiting is a sign of a slipped band. You must love yourself enough to find a doc that will help you manage all this. Do keep us updated, we are very concerned about you. Bless you!
on 4/4/12 4:56 am
There are treatment programs and 12 programs for anorexia-bulimia.  Please get help.  Like obesity it is a disease that kills.
Nic M
on 4/21/12 11:41 am

hvnlymorning, I wanted to check up on you. Are you OK? Please check in and let us know how you're doing, if you can.
I'm thinking of you.



 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


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