No insurance, no money, ???how to get surgery

Summer D.
on 4/1/04 4:05 pm - Belgrade, MT
I have been researching this procedure for over a year. I know which surgeon I want. I cannot get insurance because of my weight (338 lbs). I don't have the money to pay for it myself. My family can't or won't pay for it. My dad has tried to come up with ways to help me pay for it, but has not had any luck. My mom will be selling her house soon, but will be using the money to pay off a truck, a car, etc. I have tried to get loans, to no avail. Does anyone out there have any ideas on what I can do. I have begged the hospital in Great Falls several times to let me have the surgery and pay for it after, ( I think they are still laughing at me). There is just no hope for someone without insurance. I am self-employed and so I have no insurance coverage. If anyone has any ideas for me, please let me know. [email protected]
Andrea K.
on 6/2/04 8:51 pm - Tyler, TX
Summer, check with the bariatric clinic you want to use. Generally they know of companies that do bariatric financing. Never hurts to ask, right? The worst they can do is say "no", but I've heard of people using these companies and they have had good luck with them. Or you could try going to and put "bariatric financing" in the ASK bar and see if it brings up any sites to research. Andrea
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