I go to India

on 2/6/06 10:29 pm - Middle Sackville, Canada
I go to India because the wait time is just too long in Nova Scotia. I was told as well in Halifax and Moncton, wait time would be 3-5 years. This is unacceptable to me.With travel, stay and the OP it will cost me around CAN$ 16,000. I'll try to get some back from MSI, but I have not much hope. But it will be a tax write-off.
on 2/7/06 2:52 am - Coldbrook, Canada
Have you looked at Mexico. There is a Dr. Favia (sp). He work out of teaqunia Mex. For about $11,000.00 plus air fair. Which I have found cheap seats for about $500.00 all can$. I had a call from one of his fellow patient that nows is one of his reps. She called me from Mexico, and we must of talked for over an hour. If I can get the cash that is where I would like to go. Oh! by the way the clinic has been reconized by the Harvard school of medicine. They stated that Dr Favis shows the best way of doing the lap-band. All you would need is to see if Dr.B in Moncton will look afterthe fills. Have you looked at some of the clinics in Ontario. They also look good. If you would be interested in the details reguarding Mexico e-mail me and I will send you all of the info that was sent to me. Good luck :thumbup:
on 2/7/06 9:04 am - Middle Sackville, Canada
I don't want the Lap-Band, I want RNY because I like sweets too much and with the RNY I can"t eat them.
on 2/8/06 5:30 am - Coldbrook, Canada
If RNY procedure is what you are looking for there are Dr.'s in Ontario that do RNY, and they look like they may have a short waiting list. Since you are going to be selfpaying you could go to some of the clinics that are attached to hospitals. There is one in Mississaga(sp) can't remember his name.There is also a Dr. Jeoff he, is in toronto. I have also been looking at Montreal. If you look into the peer section, there is a lady from Lawerencetown N.S. who had the RNY procedure, and she has a wonderful site. She may have some of your answeres you are seeking. The site is very insightful. Hope this helps good luck. Laurie
on 2/9/06 1:50 am - Middle Sackville, Canada
Dear Laurie, thanks for your concern and ideas. I really don't want to wait any longer. My flight for me and hubbie are booked, the date is set and I am looking forward to it. It will be some vacation, too. We're going for 3 weeks. I don't think it would be cheaper any other way and I have faith in the Indian Surgeon and hospital. They are very good. I believe that God led me there by the way I found them and how the communications went. Your ideas may be for my husband, who needs the procedure, too. So thank you again.
on 2/19/06 1:54 pm - glace bay, Canada
hi there there is a doc in moncton nb too check out my profile for the link to him
on 2/13/06 3:00 pm - Coldbrook, Canada
Dear Christine, Good luck. Let me know how it went. I know the wait times are just insane. I just found out that the province at this time are no longer performing any wls till further notice. I hope I will be a loser maybe in the fall if possible. The best of luck with the surgery and the travel.
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