not a big fan of optifast.....or being sick

Tristan Shular
on 10/6/11 10:20 am, edited 10/6/11 10:21 am - Barrie, Canada
so today was my first day of optifast. i went back and forth with chocolate and vanilla.
at this moment i am giving kudos to everyone who has done this stage already as it is a lot difficult then i thought. they are hard to get down and now i understand why after reading peoples posts about it. feeling a little nauseated from it too. i also went to the clinic and found out im sick and have antibiotics. as if i needed this 2 weeks before surgery! they best be working in the next few days or else i will have to call the surgeons office and notify them. so lets just say today has been tough with being sick and starting optifast. i sure hope it gets better, im starving!!!!
Referral was sent in April of 2011 and my Surgery is scheduled for Oct 20 of 2011 :D
(deactivated member)
on 10/6/11 10:42 am - Canada
 trust me tristan.

i feel your pain.  i did optiass for 6 weeks straight.

the best advice i can offer is this.  keep your eye on the prize.  depending on your body the hunger does subside.  try to keep your mind focused of other things.  im not sure what your center allows you to use in conjunction with optifast but IF your allowed i used to put a tbsp of instant coffee into a chocolate opti and it made it mochaish.  vanilla kinda tasted like icecaps but not good ones.

also do your damndest to get all 4 shakes per day in.  VERY IMPORTANT  drink a ton of water!!  youll need it.  

USE THE BOARD to vent and ask questions.  thats what were here for.  help and support.

i turned into a rampaging beast while on that **** and the people here helped me a lot.
Tristan Shular
on 10/6/11 10:54 am - Barrie, Canada
thank you so much for the reply! its comforting to know that others have similar experiences with optifast. i know i sound like a whiner but i have no one else to really vent to who understands :( do you use instant coffee grinds to blend in or already made instant coffee? i know that sounds like a dumb question but its better to be safe then sorry!
MAJOR kudos going to you for being on optifast for 6 weeks....i cant even begin to imagine as day 1 has been such a challenge for me. my centre allows us to have 2 cups of veggies such as broccoli, celery, cucumber, green peppers and lettuce. so that has helped. oh and broth and crystal light, diet kool-aid. im still working on my 4th shake right now but my 3rd shake was a dud as i mixed it wrong and it tasted AWFUL. im going to try blending it tomorrow with lots of ice and see if it tastes any different then putting it into a water jug and shaking it!
Referral was sent in April of 2011 and my Surgery is scheduled for Oct 20 of 2011 :D
on 10/6/11 11:15 am
I have heard people use both pre-made plain cold coffee in their shakes or just a spoonful of instant decaf to get that mocha flavour with the chocolate optifast. It tastes good too blended with about a cup of ice and a cup of water depending on how thick you want it. I am on day 8 of optifast and I'm still feeling somewhat hungry. I was having 2 cups of broth a day but I think the sodium was making me retain water so I'm not having it anymore. It's okay as I'm hungry but not as hungry as I was a few days ago. I have to do 3 weeks and it's still feeling like a really long time but it won't kill me. Lucky you to have some veggies, I wish! My clinic doesn't allow any food of any sort. We can have the broth, crystal light etc but I really don't like artificial sweeteners so I'm just sticking with optifast and water.


Leslie W.
on 10/6/11 12:19 pm - Cobourg, Canada
I had trouble with the chocolate until a friend reccommended SF cherry koolaid. I use about 400 ml water, 3 -4 ice cubes and add a little of the crystals. My friend just used the made cherry koolaide. It tastes like a cherry blossom.

What else I like with the chocolate is about a tsp of coco, tsp decaf dissolved in a little warm water, ice and water. You can also add a little splenda.

Good luck it does get easier I'm on day 9/14.
Use a blender or a bullet. Blend until there are no more lumps. Also try drinking it in a covered cup if the smell gets to you.
Referral: August 2010 Orientation TWH: May 25, 2011  NP: June 8/11, f/u sleep clinic June 7, abd u/s June 14, SW: June 28/11  Nutrition Class: July 5/11, Dietician Aug 09, Psychologist Aug 25 Surgeon Sept 16th Surgery Date: Oct 11/11 HW:287, Opti wt: 260 SW: 242
My Angel is Sheri TK   
on 10/6/11 8:36 pm
It's night and day blending it with ice. You may even like it.
(deactivated member)
on 10/6/11 11:46 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada
I just had to threaten to hunt you down and kick your ass.  Did you leave me up north all alone or you just down there visiting?
(deactivated member)
on 10/6/11 11:53 am - Canada
 LOL unfortunately tracey  we have left you up there all alone.

new job = more money and a lot more oppertunity

dont worry karn is really close to us.  like literally 10ish minutes away.
(deactivated member)
on 10/6/11 11:56 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada
As you know I hate this city too.  He's thinking of taking a job in one of the fly in camps so if he does, guess who is selling and moving.  LOL  I can work from wherever we live and if I have to spend a week at home alone while he's at work, it sure as **** won't be in Timmins.

Maybe when I'm down in the next few months, you, Karen and I can hook up for coffee.
(deactivated member)
on 10/6/11 12:01 pm - Canada
 LOL @ hook up  pams going LOVE that one :P 

in all seriousness though that would be cool
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