8months PO, first major stall, and terrible flatulence

on 4/23/14 10:13 am

I'm a little over 8months post-op. Down to 171 lbs from 279.5 (day of surgery).

I feel awesome about my loss, however I have hit that dreaded stall that is driving me nuts. In 2 months I have only lost 12 lbs! eek, what happened?! I am walking, even walking during my lunch break when I have time, and doing insanity videos... better say "attempting" insanity videos, bc they are REALLY hard for me but I give it my all. I just measured and thank god I have still been losing some inches here and there, but I did not expect a stall at this point. I can say I have introduced small amounts of carbs back into my diet, but I really feel like I am very reasonable with the amount/kind of carbs I eat. I'm so sick of seeing the same freaking number though. UGH when will it move again!?

Just in case you don't want to read about my terrible flatulence you can stop reading now.

For those of you that I hope will read, I am desperate for an answer and solution. I can't say exactly when it started, but it feels like a few weeks now I have been having terrible fowl smelling gas. And to get detailed... sorry guys... its like CONSTANT and sometimes I have to squeeze my cheecks really hard to keep it from "seeping" out (like when I'm at work). Its always silent, and always gross. I'm freaking out. My bowel movements have smelled bad/worse since surgery, but now this! I'm literally walking out of the house just to release the gas out there because it is so terrible and I'm mortified. Has this happened to you? What did you do? Does it last forever, does anything help stop it? I've googled around some things and everything comes up to IBS, crohns disease, eating gasy foods, etc. But really... this is a major problem. Especially when I cant stop it from coming out at times or hold it long enough to excuse myself from a room with other people. I have never in my life experienced anything like this. This BLOWS... help!

H.A.L.A B.
on 4/23/14 10:26 am

lol.. Yea.... been there... no more.. well.. sometimes... maybe. 

when I follow the good for me diet : I am more or less :normal" 

  • SA - even in SF guns or vitamins. 
  • SAY NO TO BEANS (except green beans) 
  • I had to eliminate bunch of foods from my diet. Google FODMAP diet. 
  • Making sure I have BM every day  2 times a day. Miralax daily - is a must. 
  • Eliminated soda, splenda and other artificial sweeteners.  
  • gluten and grains - all of them
  • limit nuts
  • very little raw veggies - if any
  • no cabbage or any like that.... 
  • probiotics daily - large number of active bacteria

 After 2-3 weeks on that - if the issue of gas went away - try to introduce one food a time every 3 days or so - to find out what is causing the most trouble. 

I have days that I will eat things that may cause some gas.. but I try not to eat foods producing gas more than 2-3 times a week.. The gas free life (gas gives me horrible pain and cramps) is worth the limitations.. Taking digestive enzymes or herbs and spices to help digestion really work on some foods.  




Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 4/23/14 10:40 am

Wow, I don't know where to start with cutting these foods all out. So overwhelming :( I'll try some experimenting. I'm desperate though...

H.A.L.A B.
on 4/23/14 9:51 pm

List is long.  But you can start by erliminastion all SA - first. 

When I travel - I mainly eat meats - fish and steamed cooked veggies.  That is easy. 

Unless you have dairy allergy - most yellow - aged cheese should be fine . Add eggs for breakfast and or cheese, and you can survive 1-2 weeks. Taking probiotics andf making sure you have BM daily - not constipation - may be first few steps. 

I know I can eat peanuts and some almonds - as a snack.

Cucumbers, NSA pickles, roasted peppers, zucchini, yellow squash and soft green beans, plus creamy spinach are my main veggies, I can have a few slices of tomato. I do need tyo stay away from onions and garlic. Or raw broccoli or cabbage.  I mazy risk a few forkfull of green lettuce, in reality - with my pouch capacity of 6-8 oz - meast takes most of space. Few bites of veggies are from my list. 

Dessert: small qty blueberries, 85 % dark chocolate (as a treat).  

Morning breakfast: 2 eggs +  2 tsp water +2 tsp of coconut flour, pinch of salt + stervia , mix together ( I use magic bullet - first blend the eggs & water) add coconut flour - blend briefly. Make pancakes. Eat. Yum. (That volume is still too much for me in the morning). 


Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

Lori W.
on 4/23/14 11:21 am - Pittsburgh, PA
RNY on 05/12/14

Sorry, but I spit out my drink at the "This BLOWS" statement. I'm not making light of your situation. I'm very glad you shared it so I know what to look out for. I've read that Gas X or similar products might help. Try a search on this site for Gas X. Best of luck and let us know the results.

Over 100 lbs. in 8 months is awesome!! Good for you!



White Dove
on 4/23/14 12:34 pm - Warren, OH

Check your vitamins.  The chewable ones like Celebrate are full of sugar alcohols.  They caused me to have terrible gas. 

You can take a pill called Devron that will not get rid of the gas, but will eliminate the odor.

Flat-D or Subtle Butt are pads that fit inside your underwear to absorb odor. 

Probiotics will get rid of gas caused by imbalance of the organisms in your intestines.

Lactose intolerance can cause this.  Use Lactaid Milk or tablets.

Sugar free popsicles, ice cream, candies will cause it and make it worse.

You can release the gas silently and with no odor by bending down so that your head is at the level of your knees for a few seconds.  I tie my shoes or adjust my socks.

Citrucel fiber will keep you regular without causing any gas.





Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 4/24/14 12:12 am
RNY on 12/18/13

"You can release the gas silently and with no odor by bending down so that your head is at the level of your knees for a few seconds."

How in the world would bending over eliminate the odor from passing gas? Sure, it may help with sound due to changing the muscle tension around the sphincter, but it's not going to do a thing about the smell. Intestinal gas smells because of hydrogen sulfide and aerosolized mercaptans (the same compounds that make skunk spray smell so badly.) You can't change the composition of intestinal gas, no matter what kind of contortions you do.

Surgery: RNY on 12/18/2013 with Jay M. Snow, MD            "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." - Robert Herjavec, quoting Al Capone


on 4/24/14 9:53 am

My vitamins are very low sugar and I have been using the same kind since way before this issue started, so I'm going to cross that possibility off the list for now. The things I have been eating a lot of recently: banana, lettuce, cucumber, andTomatos. I usually eat greek yogurt, low in sugar, once a day but I have been doing that for a really long too. Cheese occasionally but not really any other dairy. I switched to almond milk also but do not drink that very often either. Never really have bread or pasta and when I go I limit to just a few bites. Wheat bread a little more often but I don't think this is enough to be the culprit either. Hmmmm. This morning I skipped the banana and yogurt and swapped for strawberries and a small turkey sausage patty. I was hoping no bad gas today. Today seemed better. Wishful thinking lol :P

on 4/23/14 12:35 pm - WI

Refined carbs (like breads, pasta, sugar, etc.) give me gas.  Artificial sweeteners will also give me problems.  I'm lactose intolerant and if I drink anything dairy I get smelly gas.  

There is a pill you can buy online.  It's called Deverom.  It gets rid of the smell but you still pass gas.  If they are silent... that might help you.

It really is all about how you are eating.  You need to cut things out and add one thing at a time to figure out what is causing the problem.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 4/24/14 9:45 am

That pill sounds tempting, I'm going to do some research before I get it though. I just really want to find a solution, I don't mind a little gas, but within "normal" limits lol. I'm going to try some if the diet tips I've read here. Thanks so much for the reply!

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