Girl walks into a WLS clinic.......and....

(deactivated member)
on 2/3/09 12:21 pm
VSG on 04/06/09 with
Girl walks into a WLS Clinic and throws her MasterCard on the table.................and states. 
OK who in here is willing to give me a VSG.....I got the time and the money and the will to have it done!!  C'mon Big Fella.......who is willing....nudge nudge, wink wink.

Girl gets VSG....loses her weight..............lives happily ever after!! it is my fantasy....but hey....I am entitled.

Here is my deal, I am looking for some help in finding a surgeon to perform a VSG.  I am from Eastern Canada where the wait list for one is 5-7 YEARS.  Yea ok....not this girl.

So I am researching the sites, the other provinces, the internet as a whole and like a VSG junkie looking for the BIG FIX.

That is right people...I am surfing the net, and taking names. 

So who has some names.....some clinics...some know the drill.

Thanks for listening everyone......and in advance.....thanks for any help anyone can offer in my search.

on 2/13/09 2:35 pm
Hi. I just had this surgery done and it was done very professionally by Dr. Mario Almanza at Emmanuel Medical Clinic in Mexico. Just do a search on the internet and you'll find the clinic site. I researched for months and chose this clinic. Right now I feel fine...I've had very mild gas pains because of the CO used in the procedure, but honestly, I thought I'd be feeling a lot worse..touch wood...Good for you in choosing this option. The cost was $9500 US...the conversion just sucks though as you'll soon find out if you go outside Canada. I made my decision...contacted the patient coordinator,  Shirley Rohr, who is found on the website...had a few informative conversations, and committed. This whole process took me 2 months...yes, only two months...The clinic was very professional...great surgeons, doctors and anaesthesiologist who all checked on me frequently throughout the days I was in post op and attended to my needs 100%. They put you up in the Marriott hotel in Tijuana for approximately 2-3 days, dependent on your travel/surgery schedule. I stayed one night pre-op and one night post op, with 2 nights spent in the clinic under 24 hour watch/care. And they provide you with x-rays, antibiotics and pain medication to take with you. I'm giving the x-rays to my doctor. I'm happy you're going this route. There were a few women there who were having more troubles than I'd care to have after doing the lap band procedure. I didn't choose that procedure because I hate the thought of having something foreign in my body. The thought of going to Mexico seemed outlandish at first too, but after researching, I chose to do this and right now, I'm very happy I did. I have no hunger at all, and that's because the VSG surgery takes away a part of the stomach that controls appetite. I'm hoping my future months will prove as promising as this first week has been. All the best, and I hope this helped. If you go this route, please tell them I referred you, as I'm certain that after I lose all the excess weight, I will be looking for a tummy tuck and will most likely go back there:) And they appreciate referrals...
(deactivated member)
on 2/14/09 2:03 am
VSG on 04/06/09 with
OMGOODNESS.....this is perfect information!!

Did you go by yourself?  Or take someone with you?

I know, the dollar I am balancing out the little bit extra to get self pay here, vs Mexico.

I am still looking at all my options.


PS...if you think of anything else, just let me know!

Happy Shrinking!!
on 2/16/09 12:39 am
Actually, I had booked an annual trip to Vegas months before, so my thought was that since I was down there anyway, I just changed my return plans home to Saskatoon and flew to San Diego which was only an hours flight away, right after my spree in Vegas. I had pre-arranged plans to be picked up by the clinic right after my arrival in San Diego. They were there on a dime when I phoned them. Tijuana is only 15 minutes drive from San Diego. Anyway, absolutely went smooth as a bell, right from pick up, the operation, post op, and the final trip home.

I can tell you right now...I had surgery only a week ago, and I feel unexpectedly great! Other than the sutures feeling uncomfortable, and I'm having them removed this Thursday, I'm finding that this has definitely been the best surgical option for me. It will take me a while to heal internally, I'm sure, so I'm sticking with the clear liquids as they suggest for the first two weeks. I thought I'd have trouble with this, but you really don't feel like eating, just drinking...or should I say sipping. I haphazardly gulped down a few times and boy, did my little stomach feel that...Can't gulp anymore as the stomach can't handle more than a few ounces at a time! So I'm learning to be a sipper...And the best news of all...stepped on the scale for the first time in a week and am down 9 lbs:) And I really feel the loss on my body..I feel lighter.

I went alone, and honestly, I'm glad I did. I only informed one person about this operation and that was my sister. I did not want the unwanted opinions of my family and friends who I thought would think I was nuts to pursue this option. I also didn't want anyone to worry about me. I'm glad I kept it a secret. As the weight falls off, my catch phrase will be " I'm watching what I eat and exercising", which will technically, be the truth!  Even though I went alone, I felt very well taken care of by the patient facilitator, Shirley Bergman. She is the middle man between the clinic and Canadian patients - although she had the lapband done. She will be the one that would meet you at the clinic - they have group trips that they plan from Canada, believe it or not. I was there with about 5 other people from Saskatchewan! I communicated very much between both Shirley Bergman and Shirley Rohr...Shirley Rohr had the sleeve surgery so she was the one I latched onto when I chose this surgery. Both are so very nice, very helpful, and ensured the smoothest experience for me...which I truly, truly appreciate. Both women's contact information can be found on the Emmanuel website. Tell them Sandy Lazar sent ya:)

Also, if you feel you want to speak to me personally to chat a bit more, even though we don't know each other, I would be more than happy to chat if you want more information than what I've provided...I'm home all this week as I took one week off work for this and I would suggest if you do this, that you do the same. Good to have the rest and the healing time. My number is 306-253-4473:)  All the best!

on 4/16/11 3:30 pm - Canada
Hi Jane,
your post is dated Feb 3 2009, a while back, if still looking pls let me know, I had my surgery 2010 november and i had the most amazing experience.
please let me know if still interested and i can give you details.
on 12/8/09 6:41 am - Indep, MO
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