I learned that I cannot go off my plan...

on 5/29/11 5:09 am - Las Vegas, NV
I have been VERY strict with my diet since my surgery. I still have a protein shake for breakfast every morning and I eat under 20 carbs per day. Well... yesterday, I had 3 slices of chocolate covered banana. It was for no other reason other than I felt like having some, and I figured that having a couple bites was NOT a binge and I was still in control. 

Well, I woke up to a 3 lb gain this morning. I have been stuck/stalled for a month now (going between 252 and 256) and I was right at 255 again. I am so frustrated and sad. Mostly sad. 

This is the smallest I have been in my life (I was a size 18 from age 11) and my 18's are are baggy on me now. I am having these horrible thoughts that "this is it". People talk about maximizing weight loss in the first 6 months and I realllllly took that advice to heart... eating on plan, working out, etc... it's not even been 4 months and I have been stalled for 50% of that time. 

My mindset for today is that I am failing (which in my heart I know is not true) but it's hard to shake it. I always try to be a bright and encouraging voice on here, but I think it's my turn... I have really needed some extra support lately :-( 

LilySlim Weight loss tickers
sleeve genie
on 5/29/11 5:14 am - Alhambra, CA
Try not to let yourself get too down about this stuff.   It really is a journey and our bodies have their own way of doing things.   This is all part of the plan and you are def not done yet.   Just keep staying on program and you will be successful.  Dont think of it as a failure on your part.  This is a journey  not a race,  you will still have good days and bad days,  the important thing is to be proud of the success you have already had and believe me will continue to have :o) jeanit not
      the start of my brand new life was on 5/28/10
                      aka  jeaniwantsasleeve!!                  

on 5/29/11 5:20 am - Las Vegas, NV
 Thanks Jeani :) I am trying really hard to not be down about it. 

I think it's a defeated feeling... because I try to have ONE treat and my body rebels like that. I am staying with it of course.... I know it will pay off in the long run. 

LilySlim Weight loss tickers
on 5/29/11 5:15 am - Lansing, MI
I've been stalled too, and it is discouraging, but don't one chocolate covered banana have that much power over you.  You are the one that has been working this sleeve and don't a great job so far, own that instead.  We will have days when he just fall down, but we get back up.  We all have that food thing, wanting more.  I think of it as a junk yard dog that I have to keep away from me.  I also try to remind myself that no one is making me eat this way, I CHOOSE to eat this way because of the results.  With that said, why don't you plan a treat like that sometimes just so you don't have  pattern of "falling" but rather planning it?  Just a thought.  Don't let this mistake rob you of your overall success.  Those three pounds will come back off, start drinking the water and eating dense protein.  Hang in there!
on 5/29/11 5:19 am - Las Vegas, NV
LilySlim Weight loss tickers
on 5/29/11 5:49 am
Do you mind if I ask how many calories a day?
on 5/29/11 5:54 am
Don't be so hard on yourself! I'm pretty sure the banana didn't cause a 3lb gain. Maybe it's water weight or TOM. This is not it! You will make it to goal! Be proud of yourself... (smallest ever) your doing great!

current weight 123
I'm 28 and 5'5.


on 5/29/11 6:00 am - Alvaton, KY
Yes indeed, you are a total and complete failure.  So, go eat a cheesecake and you'll feel bettter, right?

That's the way most of us worked things out BEFORE surgery, right?

You screwed up?  Big freaking deal.  So what?  Since when have you ever been entitled to wear a halo?  It's really not a big deal.

The way to approach something like this is really very simple.  You say to yourself:  "Self, you screwed up.  Don't let that happen again."

Then, you just get yourself right back on program.

We ALL cheat a little.  It really is not that big a deal, unless YOU choose to make it a big deal.  If you are really looking for failure, then you will find it.

But, if you are really looking to get to a normal weight, you will just put this behind yourself and get on with it  The more you beat yourself up about things like this, the greater the chance that you WILL fail.

You just need to get yourself back on program, and work extra hard to peel off that 3 pounds.  Then, stay on program as much as you possibly can. Notice that i do not sat, "Stay on program at all costs."  That's because we are all falible human beings, we all make mistakes, and we can all learn from those mistakes.

And, try to remember that only one perfect human being ever walked on this earth, and that person is not any of us.

A former Army Medic (1959-1969), Registered Nurse (1969-2000), College Instructor (1984-1989) and a retired Rehabilitation Counselor.  I am also a dual citizen of the USA and Canada.

High Weight 412 lbs.                    Date of Surgery 360.5                                 Present  170 lbs   

on 5/29/11 6:00 am - TX
Unless the banana was infused with a pound of pure grease, you didn't put on 3 pounds because of the banana.  You're probably retaining fluids, and it was just bad timing - totally unrelated to your treat.  Take heart!
on 5/29/11 6:02 am
It is impossible to have a three-pound gain of anything bu****er overnight.  And in fact, the "dry weight" you are today is a reflection of three-four days ago, so yesterday's eating habits will be reflected in your weight in two or three days.  Be patient!  Don't let a little natural fluctuation get you down.
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