
on 6/18/11 9:00 am
Well I have decided to do the VSG no matter what! Im so scared. I have such a love for food(obviously most of us do :)) I fear never being able to enjoy eating again. I am also terrified of surgery. Everyone here seems to be so excited about thier dates However Im scared! How did you not have anxiety about surgery? I hope I wont chicken out!

Christina B.
on 6/18/11 9:03 am
When is your surgery, because mine is Monday and I am really scared!
Ms. Poker Face
on 6/18/11 9:11 am
 Mine is Wednesday, so while I am super excited, I am also nervous.  I think it's normal.  I've done as much research and asked as many questions of my surgeon as I could think of.  Praying that everything goes as planned!


5'5"    Goal reached, but fighting regain.  Back to Basics.
Start Weight 246    Goal Weight 160    Current Weight 183

Starting size: 22, 2x
Current size: 12, L


Joel F.
on 6/18/11 9:18 am - Concord, CA
I'm having my surgery on June 30.

I've had surgery several times during my life.  The first was emergency surgery when I was 14 and I didn't have a choice.  Since then, surgery doesn't bother me too much.  Nerves?  Sure.  But I'm totally confident in the doctor and the technology.

If you trust your doctor, stake it all on him/her.  How many VSGs have they done?  How many problems did they have?  Keep reading the posts here.  This is an established, successful procedure.  You'll do fine.

As for the love of food, that's where I'm nervous.  It's a drastic change in lifestyle.  Here's what I'm hoping for...I want a new relationship with food.  I want to try and develop a lifestyle (after reaching my goal weight) where a bite of something will satisfy me.  If I want something that I "shouldn't" have, will just a bite work?  Can I learn to savor the taste once and then walk away?  That's what I'm hoping.  I don't know if it's realistic.  But it helps me to think this way then to dwell on the thought of never having this food or that food again in my life.

Hope this helps.  Of course, I haven't had the surgery yet, so take what I wrote with that in mind.  I may be clueless.  I don't know.
(deactivated member)
on 6/18/11 9:35 am
I'm right there with you on how I hope to relate to food in the future.  I won't live a life strictly on protein shakes, but of course I know I cannot do what I did and expect different results:)

I had my gallbladder out about seven years ago and it was a piece of cake.  You have more risks with that laproscopic surgery than we do with the sleeve.  It's going to be okay.  I know it will.
on 6/18/11 9:38 am - Granada Hills, CA
I had a hard time getting excited. I knew I was about to cut out my stomach, which has been the only thing that has supported my unrelenting binges

Surgery part turned out not to be such a big deal, but 8 days post-op, I'm still afraid I won't be able to enjoy food again. That being said, chicken broth and a little SF/FF chocolate pudding seems to do the trick - I don't actually need a whole pizza to feel satisfied.

It's a hard process, no doubt. Not fun. Painful. But it will be worth every minute of it to enjoy life and do the things I've been missing out on. And it's not like I enjoyed being super morbidly obese either

Don't chicken out unless you absolutely decide you'd rather eat than do everything else you've imagined you can do post-op.

www.sexyskinnybitch.wordpress.com - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


sleeve genie
on 6/18/11 9:43 am - Alhambra, CA
My health was bad and i was getting worse, so i knew i had to do something.  If you are sure that this is the right thing for you then i would say have faith that you have made the right decision.  I think a positive attitude will help a lot.  We are all nervous,  but that doesn't help so try not to worry too much and just think of all the reasons why this is right for you.  Good luck, i hope you love your sleeve as much as i love mine  :o) jeani
      the start of my brand new life was on 5/28/10
                      aka  jeaniwantsasleeve!!                  

on 6/18/11 10:20 am
the best thing ive ever did. it aint like you will never eat, just not alot of it, good luck
on 6/18/11 10:53 am - MN
Don't worry about the food thing. Loving food is what got us to this point in the first place, right? You'll have to change your relationship with food. Surgery will help but it's up to you to make the lifetime adjustment. This isn't magic. It's just surgery. 

5'5"  Age 63  HW 212  SW 200 Currently 8 pounds below goal

on 6/18/11 11:33 am, edited 6/18/11 11:34 am
You'll still love food!  Your tastes will probably change, though and most of us find that we like eating well, but good food is still a reason for joy.  You'll simply feel, after a few ounces, the way people who have eaten 5x as much feel - and that's a good thing.

The more you determine, right from the start, that you want to eat a better diet, the easier the head hunger, which was terrible for me the first few weeks, will get.  Many of us dream of our former queasy feasts for awile after we're out of pain, but that's your body detoxing from crap.  My personal belief is that those who give in to it too soon after surgery, when they are out of the mushie stage, never really get away from bad habits.

The further out you get with a better diet, the easier it will be to have small bites of former favorites here and there without triggering yourself.  You'll find some stuff still triggers you (for me its pretzels - not a trigger b4 surgery).  But most of us don't have the desire to eat like before, so that's a big plus.
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