14 Months Out............and Update on Treatments -- As Usual, VERY LONG!

on 8/28/13 12:59 am, edited 8/28/13 2:36 am - IL
VSG on 06/28/12

Buon Giorno OH Family!


I have been MIA a lot here and on MFP due to many things, not the least of which are my cancer treatments.  Before that update, I want to say that these past 14 months since getting Myrtle have been everything I could ask for and then some.  To date, I have lost 110 pounds since surgery on June 28, 2012, and 123 pounds from my highest weight on May 14, 2012.  Total inches lost are over 85 inches -- that's over 7 FEET around me!  GADS.........almost too much to report.  But the pounds and inches are gone and I bid them a fond farewell,......hoping to never see them again.  The new bones I have are fun and bring me much joy.  I have a waist!  I don't have any clothes with an "X" in them..........everything comes with a number or a letter M or L.  My 28-30 pants are now 16s and they are a little loose.  Medium tops are a little snug, but now that I have a girly shape, I'll wear them though I prefer the Ls which are a little more forgiving!  Given that I used to wear 28-30 tops, this is a huge improvement!  Victoria Secret undies fit me!  Never thought that would ever happen.  And the best part of this whole process is that I'm so much healthier than ever before (cancer not withstanding, of course!).  My comorbs are no longer issues.  In fact, while my kidneys will never get better, my filtration rate is now clearly in the Stage II level and the number has improved almost 25%. 


The ride has been amazing, the support and encouragement beyond anything I could have ever asked for.  I'm convinced that without all of you who have given so generously of your help, care, love, and warmth, I'd never have reached this point.  I'm so grateful to you all.

Now for some more good news!  I had my 5th and final chemo treatment yesterday!  YIPPPPEEEEEE!!!  Truly, chemo treatments were something I looked forward to.  I know, makes me sound like a flake, but chemo days brought me a lot of anti-nausea meds and those last for a couple of days.  The fact that the therapists who deliver the chemo are wonderful and kind and thoughtful in every way made my 3-4 hours each time something worth it.  The only drawback was last week when I had to have an additional liter of saline as I was becoming dehydrated.......not good at all.  And I was losing weight which was pretty much forbidden during chemo and radiation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,they threatened me with a feeding tube, so I worked hard not to lose. 

It made me laugh during the 3rd week as I was told to GAIN a few pounds.  NEVER in all my life has anyone told me to GAIN weight!!!  I relished the words LOL  As I mentioned when I first talked about this cancer crap, I looked at this time as a chance to "practice" maintenance..............and I've been pretty much successful with it thus far.  I don't know about long term, but until I'm told I can start losing again, I will continue to practice maintaining my current weight.  I've seen 2 certified nutritionists/dieticians and they both told me what they wanted me to eat and when I should eat.  That's fine, but not practical.  With esophageal cancer, you eat when you can, not on a schedule.  Some periods during the day, I can't ge****er to stay down and other times I can have some over-cooked ramen noodles with no problem.  Mostly I live on liquids, though.............protein shakes, chicken broth, creamed soups............like the early days of having a new sleeve.  Not too bad, but I'm telling you, don't get too close to me if you're having a slice of pizza or a piece of bacon!  You're liable to get mugged!!!  Hahahaha!!!  The happy news is that I can have all the ice cream I want!  And even dark chocolate..........just a small piece, but I can have it.  And cheese sticks stay down most of the time!  So, food is a problem, but I've managed to work around a lot of it.  Just need to get a little creative now and then.

I have my appointment scheduled to see my surgeon next week.  He likes to see new patients at the last week of radiation.  I have 5 more radiation treatments...........2 this week and 3 next week, so it all fell into line nicely.  I am hoping to find out how he plans to do this surgery.  It's already a very intricate/delicate/difficult surgery to begin with.......making it lots more difficult is the fact that I have no "spare" stomach to use to create a new passageway.  My research shows that sometimes a piece of small intestine is used to do this -- the peristalsis helps to move food through, so most surgeons like to do that, though there are those who use mesh and others who use a metal tube.  Since both my Oncologists highly recommend this surgeon, and my research about him shows a stellar reputation and experience, I'm trusting him to do what is best in my particular situation. 

There was one week when I got in the dumpers -- when I was first told about his cancer, I was told it was "highly curable" which to me would indicate upwards of 75% or higher cure rate.  UNSO :-(  It's more like 50/50...............not so "HIGHLY" in my frame of reference!  That got to me...........but only for about a week.  Then I talked to another doctor who said that each person has ONE chance -- they either will cure me or they won't.....................the 50/50 is an average and we know what can be done with statistics.......easy to manipulate.  So, I've decided that they WILL CURE ME!  Failure is NOT AN OPTION!  Trust this.........if they fail, they will have one feisty, cranky, tough little old Italian woman haunting them for the rest of their lives!!!!   Seriously, though, I have LOTS of good stuff going for me.  I'm smaller, I've got my comorbs in remission or stabilized, and I'm healthy other than cancer.  The cancer did not spread (as far as we know at this point), and the treatments must be working as I feel like crap most of the time LOL   I was told the worse I feel the better the therapy! 

Most days are filled with exhaustion and nausea.  I can do about 2-3 chores early in the day, then I'm a goner.  Being so tired is a good thing as it forces me to take 3-4 naps a day -- sleep time if GREAT time as that's when our bodies heal best.......and then a good 6 hours at night of sleep helps.  The repair work will continue for 2-3 weeks after my final radiation treatments next week.  Once I get those healing weeks under my belt, surgery become available.  Yesterday, before my chemo treatment I saw my Oncologist and he told me that if I keep my weight up and continue to do well, they might be able to do the surgery as much as a month sooner than expected...............from the end of October to the end of September!!!!!  Of course, the final decision will be the surgeon's, but it sure perked me to to think it could be sooner than we first thought!

I now come to the end of this long post....................as always, I'm upbeat, hopeful, and have lots of good stuff working for me.  Probably the most important is all the support I receive from my loving and wonderful families -- here and on MFP.  Without all your hugs and love and prayers and good thoughts and positive vibes, I'd be lost.  You may never know how important you are and what great help you've been.  Those of you who have been with me since the beginning of the WL journey and now with the cancer journey, know how much I love each of you.  For those who are new, I welcome new friends and family with open arms.  Thank you all so very much.  May all the blessings available fall on your lives bringing you peace, love and joy.

Hugs and love,

Ree xoxox







5' 1.5" Tall.............69 years YOUNG!!!! Esophageal cancer survivor.

on 8/28/13 1:04 am

I so love your positive attitude.  I am holding you in my prayers. 




Surgery May 1, 2013. Starting Weight 385,  Surgery Weight 333,  Current Weight 160.  At GOAL!

Weight loss Pre-op 1-20 2-17 3-15 Post-op 1-20 2-18 3-15 4-14 5-16 6-11 7-12  8-8

                  9-11 10-7 11-7 12-7 13-8 14-6 15-3 16-7 17-3  18-3


on 8/28/13 1:17 am


I haven't been to the support group in a couple of months and had no idea you were going through all of this. You are such a wonderful lady who I have had the pleasure of meeting and seeing your positive results. My thoughts and prayers are with you! Hopefully I will be able to make it to the next support group meeting.


Hugs! Cheryl

on 8/28/13 1:17 am
VSG on 07/22/13
Wow love your attitude


on 8/28/13 1:20 am
VSG on 08/05/13

They say that attitude counts for a great deal when being treated for a serious illness.   That being said, you should do great!   You are an inspiration to us all.   Prayers sent your way.


HW 275  SW 266

on 8/28/13 1:21 am, edited 8/28/13 1:21 am

I admire your strength and positive attitude. I am wishing you the best and will send positive thoughts your way.  Please keep us posted.


 LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
on 8/28/13 1:33 am - TX
VSG on 10/08/12

I'm so happy to see this post!  I've been thinking about you a lot.  You are an amazing woman, and I'm sending you lots of unicorn dust, rainbows and positive vibes as always.  I just adore you.


on 8/28/13 1:38 am - NY
VSG on 10/12/12 with

I'm so happy to hear from you and I'm SUPER happy you have such a great positive attitude.  You WILL beat this cancer!  I know you will because of your spirits being high.  It's when we let the demons get us that we fall but I can tell you are ready to keep on truckin.

I hope the rest of your treatments and pending surgery go well.  Keep us up to date and keep doing you!  God bless!

band to sleeve revision and loving life!

You do you, and I'll do me

on 8/28/13 1:45 am
So glad to see your post this morning! Smiles and hugs to you, today. News sounds pretty good- you are the definition of a trooper- Stick with those naps, girl. You are right knowing the healing powers of a body at rest. Hang in there, sweetness- progress and healing are yours. Rest assured in God's loving arms and good grace. Bonnie

  goal!!! August 20, 2013   age: 59  High weight: 345 (June, 2011)  Consult weight: 293 (June, 2012)  Pre-Op: 253 (Nov., 2012) Surgery weight: 235 (Dec. 12, 2012) Current weight: 145

 TOTAL POUNDS LOST- 200 (110 pounds lost before surgery, 90 pounds lost Post Op.diabetes in remission-blood pressure normal-cholesterol and triglyceride levels normal!  BMI from 55.6  supermorbidly obese to 23.6  normal!!!!  



on 8/28/13 2:20 am - NJ
VSG on 03/08/12


You are so strong, upbeat and positive!  Truly an inspiration to many of us.  Sending you hugs and good thoughts!!


  4' 11" HW 218 SW 214 Original Goal of 125 in 8.5 mos Lowest Weight 119 CW 133 Trying to get back in the 122-128 range 


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