What did you tell your kids?

on 4/9/11 4:47 pm - Abbotsford, Canada
I have four kids 13,11,9,7, and I'm just wondering what you guys might have told your kids about your surgery. I am thinking I don't really need to tell the two younger ones very much info, but I think the two older ones are smarter than that and I'm not really sure what to say. I was kind of thinking I'd just tell them I got my gallbladder out, or hernia surgery.  I know I will have to tell the older ones the real story because they will pick up on my new eating issues. pleas let me know what (how much) you said or didn't say.
Thanks Rhonda
Tammy H.
on 4/9/11 8:32 pm - Greenville, OH
I didnt have young kids at the time I had surgery, but I think its better to tell all 4 of them the truth...I have always believed that honesty is the best policy...Why wouldn't you want to tell them the truth?  Why show them that its okay to not be honest?  Good luck in whatever you decide.

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only TRUE FRIENDS will leave footprints in your heart...And may that friendship have such a ONENESS that when one weeps the other will taste salt...Friends are like balloons ; once you let them go you can't get them back....So I'm going to tie you to my heart so I never lose you.

on 4/9/11 9:05 pm
I have two that are close to your middle kids ages and I told them the truth about 2 weeks before surgery.  I didn't go into all the details, but did explain that I was having surgery to help me lose weight and keep it off so I would be more healthy.  That was enough information at that time for them to process.  Now, 2 weeks post-op, my eldest just started asking for more specific information so we went on the internet and found some non-graphic pictures that showed was a VSG is.  My experience has been that if kids are presented the information in an age-appropriate, matter-of-fact manner they are quite adaptable.  Actually, my kids have turned into some of my greatest supporters in the past few weeks.  Nothing like a kid-hug and a 'you look great mom' to make your post-op day!
Height: 5'5" / HW: 223 / SW: 196 / GW: 125 reached 12/22/2011 / CW: 121    
on 4/9/11 9:24 pm - Kings Park, NY
I have 3 kids twin girls 12 and a 10 yr old boy... I told them the truth. They are my reason for life...

SW:220 HW:267 CW:152 GW:120

on 4/9/11 9:52 pm - Knoxville , TN
I have 2 kids who were 8 & 6 at the time of my surgery. I told them the truth. I even showed them video of exactly what was being done. I said that my weight was not healthy for my body and that I needed to make a big change. I can't imagine them not knowing because the change in my eating & lifestyle was so drastic.
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." ~E. Roosevelt

(Ticker includes 11 pounds lost in pre-op diet.) 

on 4/9/11 10:17 pm
 I agree with the other posters, I have two boys 15 and 10 and I told them the truth...they have been there every step of the way!!  My oldest would even go out in the cold (had my sx in Jan) and walk with me around the block, he just got done running an 8k with me in March!!!!  Kids are great when given the opportunity, tell them and watch how amazing they will be!!!  Good luck!!!!!
on 4/9/11 11:25 pm - Smithsburg, MD
I have 2 children, ages 17 & 11. My hubby and I both have had the surgery this year. We told them exactly what we were doing. Our daughter actually went to a few of our appointments with us when she was off school. They have been very supportive and loving. We answer any questions they have with honesty. Yes, we did this for ourselves to make our lives healthier, but ultimately I am living for my kids. They have been affected by this surgery as much as we have. Their diet has changed along with ours. We no longer have Hamburger Helper for dinner, but something much healthier. I do still keep a few "snacks" in the house for them, but nothing like we would have had before. I am hoping that our new lifestyle and eating habits rub off on them and that they don't go down the same path that we have. It breaks my heart to think that someday they could be heavy like us. I would tell them exactly what you are doing because this will affect them. Your 7 year old will not understand like your 13 year old, but you would be surprised how much they will understand. I would provide each of them with as much information that they want to know and can understand. Good Luck on your surgery. I hope all goes well and you have a speedy recovery.
 Highest Weight - 220/ Date of Surgery - 194/ Goal Weight - 125 CW 122  2nd Goal - 115
on 4/10/11 3:11 am - Abbotsford, Canada
I wish my hubby had chosen to have this surgery too, he's 6ft/ 280lbs, I am hoping with all the lifestyle changes I will be making and subsequently my family too, that he will be willing to make some healthier changes too.
on 4/9/11 11:55 pm
I have one kid. She was 5 when I had my surgery in 2009.
I told her I was having an operation to help me lose weight so I could do more stuff with her.
I did not give her more than she could absorb. I put it in the simplest terms.

Now...18 mos down the road, she totally gets it.
I have lost 163 pounds so far.
My eating habits are quirky.
She doesn't blink an eye.

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. " -- Anais Nin

Revised from Band to Bypass 10/26/09
High Wt 355/ Surgery Wt 343 (BMI 61) / Current Wt 190 on 3/17/12

TT/Fleur De Lis 8/22/11
Mastopexy and Brachioplasty 12/14/11
Helen C.
on 4/10/11 1:11 am - Wisconsin Rapids, WI
I have two girls my oldest is 2 1/2 years old and my youngest is 1 year old and I have been honest with them.

I told them mommy was going to the hospital so the Dr could fix her tummy so I could get smaller and play with them more. They go to a lot of my appointments with me and my husband and my oldest loves to be my walking partner and always asks to go for a walk with mommy.

Even though my girls are young and will more then likely not even remember me being as big as I am or me even having the surgery (or the complication that happened) I thought the best thing to do was be honest with them. They are my reason for having the surgery. I did it to be healthy so that I could be around to not only watch them grow up but be an active part of their lives as well.
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