It's been a while...

Jana G.
on 4/23/11 4:26 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Hey all, I know it's been a loooong while since I've been in here, but I just wanted to stop by and let everyone know I've been going through the process of the "tummy tuck", just below the belly button, since that is what insurance will pay for, and I found out on Friday I AM APPROVED!!!!! My hope was to have the surgery before the kids got out of school, and it just so happens that he has an opening on MAY 20!!!!!! So in less than I month, I will be getting my tummy tuck!!! I'm so excited!
on 4/23/11 10:20 am
Yay Jana!! Welcome back...where have you been? That sounds like exciting news...if I get brave, I will do it someday!      Connie
on 4/23/11 11:43 am - Rome, GA

Insurance will cover it?  That's great news.  What kind of insurance do you have?  I would love to have a tummy tuck but was told it wouldn't be covered.


Starting:  370, Current: 198.5, Goal: 190


Jana G.
on 4/24/11 7:02 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Insurance pays for the belly button down area. I would love to have the whole T procedure done, as well as my breasts, but that's $13,500 and it's a lot cheaper to have the girls held up by Victoria's Secret, and above my belly button isn't too bad. And I wear those cami squeezer things and that helps too. But with two c-sections and a hysterectomy my belly is SHOT! It hangs so low...well below my public area, and I can't stand it anymore. I have UMPC, and with two trips to my PCP and documentation of a rash and a prescription for a cream, that's all it took and the insurance covered it! 
on 4/23/11 11:21 pm
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