They Finally Did The Study - Roux-En-Y Increases Alcolism

on 5/10/11 8:47 am - Salt Lake City, UT
 I've been posting and posting, and couldn't believe my eyes when I finally saw the Swedish finally did the study I've been screaming for someone to do.  Here is an excerpt from the article:

"Gastric bypass surgery for weight loss doubles the risk of developing alcoholism compared with Lap-Band surgery, Swedish researchers reported Monday. Researchers already knew that bypass surgery allows the body to absorb alcohol quicker, but the new findings, reported at the Digestive Diseases Week meeting in Chicago, are the first to suggest an increased risk of problems associated with the effect."

If it has nothing to do with malabsorption and truly coping with the loss of your eating addiction - this seemed to be the obvious comparison to make.   But hmmm!

My blog:

(deactivated member)
on 5/10/11 9:24 am - Woodbridge, VA
It's not surprising. In addition to the transfer addiction angle (which I still think would be stronger with the RNY than banding simply because RNYers face potentially more negative repurcussions with more foods, whereas banders can usually just sneak in some "slider" foods if they want junk), I have about the same amount of intestinal bypass as a proximal RNY, and I know how differently alcohol affects me now as compared to pre-op. Today, if I have a single alcoholic beverage, I'm happy-tipsy, and if I have a second soon after, then I'm already having to be careful when I walk so I don't trip! However, the tipsiness/buzz wears off QUICKLY, so if I wanted to keep that feeling going, I would have to drink quite a bit throughout an evening - probably 1-2 drinks every 20-30 minutes.

on 5/10/11 9:53 am
I know just with a VSG a drink hits me fast & like a ton of bricks (well, so does a donut!) but then it wears off just as fast. I can see wanting more to keep that buzz going! 

once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.

PM me if you are interested in either of these.

 size 8, life is great

Lady Lithia
on 5/10/11 2:45 pm
I don't get any enjoyment out of my ton-of-bricks-buzz ..... it's just (a) drink 3 oz wine, (b) get instantly falling down drunk but no fun or enjoyable buzzz, then (c) sober and feeling awful and knowing I just used up a bunch of calories to act like a fool with no pleasurable side effects.

Just Ain't Worth it

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

Ms. Cal Culator
on 5/10/11 1:28 pm - Tuvalu
On May 10, 2011 at 4:24 PM Pacific Time, jillybean720 wrote:
It's not surprising. In addition to the transfer addiction angle (which I still think would be stronger with the RNY than banding simply because RNYers face potentially more negative repurcussions with more foods, whereas banders can usually just sneak in some "slider" foods if they want junk), I have about the same amount of intestinal bypass as a proximal RNY, and I know how differently alcohol affects me now as compared to pre-op. Today, if I have a single alcoholic beverage, I'm happy-tipsy, and if I have a second soon after, then I'm already having to be careful when I walk so I don't trip! However, the tipsiness/buzz wears off QUICKLY, so if I wanted to keep that feeling going, I would have to drink quite a bit throughout an evening - probably 1-2 drinks every 20-30 minutes.

Half-way through the first drink--and I usually have only one--my nose starts going numb and most everything is quite humorous.  By the end of the drink, other parts are feeling numb.  And then...POOF!!!...I'm the most sober one at the table.  (Except for my husband, who doesn't drink.)
So Blessed!
on 5/11/11 4:20 am
Today, if I have a single alcoholic beverage, I'm happy-tipsy, and if I have a second soon after, then I'm already having to be careful when I walk so I don't trip! However, the tipsiness/buzz wears off QUICKLY, so if I wanted to keep that feeling going, I would have to drink quite a bit throughout an evening - probably 1-2 drinks every 20-30 minutes.

I could have written the exact same thing.  It's not just you! 

For many of us alcohol after RNY is a recipe for disaster.  Some people just aren't ready to admit it.  I know that I can't drink alcohol like a normal person since I had this surgery, so it's in my best interest just to leave it alone. 
Tammy G.
on 5/10/11 9:51 am
RNY on 06/16/11 with
 I saw what an RNY and alcohol can do first hand to my best friend.  She had passed the 400 pound mark and finally was approved for surgery.  She took about 70% of her excess weight off, but she started drinking.  First it was beer, then she went to hard liquor.  She was drinking 2 liters of whiskey a day when she had a massive stroke.  She lost most of her speech and the use of parts of her body.  She almost lost her life, but the quality of life she has now I wouldn't wish on anyone.  It is really sad.  No one told her about the dangers of drinking after RNY.

I am having RNY next month.  My doctor's office had me sign a form that informed me of the dangers of drinking after surgery and relieved them of any liability if I did decided to drink.  I've already decided I won't ever take that first drink.  I'm not a drinker, so it won't be hard.
on 5/10/11 10:05 am - Salt Lake City, UT
 I am so sorry about your friend.   It is the saddest thing to see someone achieve so much- then lose it all.  

I wish you all the best with your surgery!
on 5/10/11 2:16 pm - London, Canada
I'm sorry for your loss, but two litres of whiskey a day?! That could kill anybody, RNY or not.
    VSG Nov 30, 2010
on 5/11/11 1:19 am
On May 10, 2011 at 9:16 PM Pacific Time, Rated5Scars wrote:
I'm sorry for your loss, but two litres of whiskey a day?! That could kill anybody, RNY or not.
That's EXACTLY the thought that ran through my mind. I honestly didn't think an RNYer could physically drink that much whiskey. I mean, does she take a couple of drinks, pass out, wake up, take a couple more, repeat endlessly???
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