Newbie....Insurance/No insurance question

on 5/28/11 3:30 am - TX
Hi everyone, I am a newbie and this is my first post but I have been reading the posts on this site for a while....y'all are great and supportive of each other and it has helped me a great deal to read your posts.

I am having my Roux Y Gastric Bypass surgery on June 21.  My insurance does not cover any WSL so I have gathered my funds together and am going to pay for it myself in full.  However, through the pre-op testing process, I had a EDG.  The doc found a hernia....a little one, but a hernia nonetheless.  Do you think that my insruance will pay for a hernia repair and then I cuold have the wls surgery as an add on - which I will pay for?  Not sure how insurance works but I thought that I would ask the question. 

Thanks everyone.....
on 5/28/11 4:01 am - MD
i don't see why not, but then they have to factor in and seperate things accordingly pertaining to each surgery.
i have heard of hospitals/doctors billing just your insurance company for the hernia repair, but i can see how that can be difficult for them to do once both procedures are done.

i ended up having a small teeny weeny hernia and once the doc got in there, she left it alone saying it didn't effect anything and was very minor. see if you can get that repaired at a later time if it isn't threatening you
Amy R.
on 5/28/11 5:28 am
I had an Rny (kinda) done at the same time as my gall bladder and the rest of my stomach were taken out. The insurance paid for part and I paid for part and we didn't have any issues. You might want to call your insurance and ask them, but they'd probably share the cost with you as long as it is pre-authorized.

Worth a shot anyway. I'd rather have one surgery than two if possible. =)
on 5/28/11 5:50 am
I was a self-pay patient.

My insurance paid for the EKG/Echocardiogram that I had to have pre-op.

Then, on surgery day, the surgeon found a hiatal hernia and he fixed it.
The surgeon did his part for free, however, I got a bill from the surgery center and from the anesthesiologist for the hernia portion.

They submitted those charges to my insurance, and I had to pay the co-pay for that --- it came to about 200.00 out of pocket to me.

When I called the anesthesiologist's office about it, I told them that I was self-pay and that the Bariatric Surgeon was supposed to have paid the anesthesiologist.
They looked up my record and said, "well, from 7:36am until 8:04am you were having a Hiatal Hernia repair, then from 8:05am until 8:25 am you were having Lap Band" ----- they had the procedures timed down to the minute --- that surprised me.

Ask your surgeon how this will work for you as a self-pay ---- and try to get it in writing so you are not surprised by additional charges after the fact.

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