(IVC Filters) Inferior Vena Cava Filters

on 6/28/11 2:36 am

Just wanted to know if your surgeon recommended having this inserted prior to WLS, and if so, where are you having it inserted, (neck or groin area). Does anyone know how long you are supposed to have the filter in after surgery? Where is it more comfortable to have inserted. 

I was told by the Dr that it needed to be inserted a few days prior to surgery. My surgeon does this as a precautionary measure to help with blood clotting, (so I'm told). I am a bit nervous just thinking about this, but I am also telling myself that hopefully the doctor knows what's best. I know that all surgeons do thing's differently. Some use the JP drainage tube after surgery, my surgeon does not.  Any information would be greatly appreciated. God Bless the OH Community.

on 6/28/11 2:42 am - Grand Prairie, TX
My surgeon recommended this for me due to mobility issues that prevented me from walking after surgery (I'm an amputee). I had mine inserted through the neck. I had my surgery two years ago, and my IVC filter is still in me, and will probably remain. I don't know that anywhere is more comfortable to have it inserted - as I recall, it felt like a whole lot of pressure, but was not unbearable, and was over fairly quickly. Best of luck to you in your upcoming journey!

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sand SAND...it's not a club...it's a frame of mind...

on 6/28/11 3:35 am
Thanks for the reply Debbie. So sorry to hear that you are a amputee. I did not know that this was something that remained in after surgery. I will definitely check w/my surgeon to see if this has to remain in. As I mentioned the thought of having it inserted is scaring me. Is this small, or something that you can feel through the skin? Hope I'm not asking to many questions. Appreciate your time for responding. I will pray for you. God Bless You!
on 6/28/11 4:05 am - Grand Prairie, TX
I'm not sure how small it is, but I don't feel it at all - I don't even know it's in, but I like the thought that I never have to worry about dying from a blood clot.

Keeping track of my progress without a scale...Starting size: 28-Current size: 6-Goal size: 14

sand SAND...it's not a club...it's a frame of mind...

Elizabeth N.
on 6/28/11 8:35 am - Burlington County, NJ
It's miniscule and it's in a deep vein. You will never feel it.

Elizabeth N.
on 6/28/11 3:58 am - Burlington County, NJ
I had mine put in through the groin on Thursday and had surgery on Monday. I kept mine. I consider it life insurance.

Amy R.
on 6/28/11 4:37 am
Mines in my groin - it was put in several years ago (long prior to WLS) during a different hospital stay. I didn't feel any pain when they put it in, and I never have even known it was there. They are awesome little lifesavers, IMO.

Best of luck on your surgery=)
on 6/28/11 6:03 am - Arlington, TN
Mine was insertd a couple weeks before surgery via the jugular vein in my neck. It wasn't painful at the time since you're given a local sedative but my neck was VERY sore for several days after. It's been 10 months and I still have mine in. While the filter isn't a guarantee, it definitely made me worry less about clots after surgery.
on 6/28/11 6:21 am - Colorado Springs, CO
Mine was inserted the morning of surgery in my groin, it was removed two weeks later....Ask lots of questions as to the type. Mine had to be removed after two weeks if it was clear.  My surgeon showed me the FDA guidelines stating it had to be removed.
Gayle  6'2" 

on 6/28/11 6:40 am - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
My husband had his put in the day before his RNY. It was to come out no later than 3 weeks after insertion. It has to be taken out no later than that because it starts to adhere to the wall of the vein or artery (I cannot remember which it is). When the doctor went to take it out it had clots in it and could not be disturbed. Due to another blood clotting issue my DH is on Coumadin for the rest of his life.

I did not have a JP drain but my DH did. It was easy to care for it.

Open RNY May 7


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