Band or Bypass?

on 8/3/11 3:05 am - UK
hello everyone :)

Ive been searching the net and thought i'd ask some real people what they think.
What is the main difference for people wanting a band or bypass? Is it because the band can stretch and the bypass is more permenant? I dont know which one to go with yet, im in the UK so I have to pay for this
Dawnie 88
on 8/3/11 3:13 am
There are 4 surgery types.  Many people i encounter assume I had either the band or bypass..they don't even know about the sleeve (VSG) or DS...please do a bunch of research on all 4.


Nic M
on 8/3/11 3:24 am
The band doesn't  so much "stretch" as it does fail. It caused mucho damage to my guts, too.  There's a whole epidemic of people being damaged by lapbands.  (Read the Revision forum here, as well as the Failed Surgeries and Complications forums.)

The VSG is a much better option than the band.

Research A LOT... the good and the bad. You want to be prepared for what can happen.

Don't rush into a surgery that you may regret, or worse, harm you.


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 8/3/11 3:27 am - UK
Thank you, I will :)
on 8/3/11 6:07 am - AL
Come to the DS forum and read a few posts by our famous  KIRMY.  You may not decide to get a DS but I promise you you will laugh your head off.  She lives over the pond too and can advise you about surgeons there.


Amy Farrah Fowler
on 8/3/11 3:39 am
 Of the four main surgeries, those are the last two I'd go with. If I felt I only needed restriction, I'd go with the sleeve. If malabsorption was needed with the restriction, then the DS. 

That doesn't even cover the issues like I want the best weight loss, weight maintenance, resolution of co-morbidities (especially type 2 diabetes and metabolic issues) and to avoid things like the inability to take any type of NSAID for pain, for life, or the possibility of dumping, stuck foods, marginal ulcers, etc. The DS has lots of pro's. 

You need to do lots of research, since you are going to live with this surgery for life, and there are real differences with the post-op life between them. I suggest you go to all the boards here, and see hows people are living, problems they are having, and which surgeries are having to be revised. 

There is some really good info and links to studies that look at the different surgeries at

on 8/3/11 7:52 am - Vancouver, WA
Run away from the band as fast as you can! I would suggest the sleeve or VSG if it were up to me.
Janice B.
on 8/3/11 8:09 am - Misawa-chi, Japan

Hi Caren,

 You know, I started out wanting a lapband because I didn't want to do anything drastic to my gut.  When I went to the education session at the doctor's they passed around a band.  Holding it in my hand, I noted the materials with which it was made and thought "hhmmmm, as this breaks down, will it hurt my health?"  It just made me feel a little nauseous to think about.  That's me. 

 So I talked to the doc and asked about that.  He said that at a BMI of 56 and over 300 pounds, I needed to do the RNY rather than the band.  I said that I really didn't want my guts thoroughly rearranged and monkeyed with.  To which he said "you've had your gall bladder and uterus taken out ... wasn't that rearranging too?"  Oh, yeah.

I think there is a medical angle to what you choose that only your doc can help you sort out, but there is a comfort level angle to it too.  I am happy with my decision to have had the RNY, but I know plenty of people who are enthusiastic about their bands.  Choose what is right for you.


Life is too short to eat vanilla ice cream and dance with boring men.

HW: 305/SW: 289/CW: 129

on 8/3/11 9:13 am - Albuquerque, NM
VSG on 04/24/12
Go to the revision board don't want the band. I've researched it because its what I wanted. It's something you don't want...not worth it. There are three results I've read about...mostly not losing, slips, and band erosion. Resulting in need for more surgery. Just say no to lapband. It seems like a good idea but it isn't.
Sharyn S.
on 8/3/11 11:09 am - Bastrop, TX
RNY on 08/19/04 with
Neither.  DS.

Sharyn, RN

RIP, MOM ~ 5/31/1944 - 5/11/2010
RIP, DADDY ~ 9/2/1934 - 1/25/2012

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