Help needed

on 8/8/11 9:41 am
Hello everyone I need help I had my surgery 3yrs and 5 mths ago. Well for the past year I have been wanting to lose ten pounds I weigh 147 unfortunately me and my hub have been struggling financially dramatically that we even had to start donating plasma to get paid and get by. And since I started to do thos its been three weeks now I have gained three pounds putting me at 150. I wanna know if anyone out there can please give me a tip on how to start losing weight again please anyone that can help I am desperate. I do watch wat I eat and workout to zumba. Thanks
on 8/8/11 9:55 am
Go back to basics. Protien first. Beans, eggs and veinna sausages are good sources of protien that are quick and somewhat cheap. Water,water water. Remember your basics. and drink your water.
Elizabeth N.
on 8/8/11 10:01 am - Burlington County, NJ
I'm sorry you're in such dire financial straits. Were you medically cleared to donate plasma? I am concerned that this could have a negative impact on your overall health.

Unfortunately--I'm assuming you had RNY or lapband?--you're in a position where the tools you now have at your disposal are diet and exercise. You're going to have to increase your protein and decrease your carb intake, and increase both your muscle building and your aerobic activity. There is no magic to it.

It is possible that this might be the "new normal" for you, that your body will fight back against your attempts to drop a few pounds. If it does, I strongly recommend that you don't overdo the dieting. You will wreck your metabolism that way. Continue to eat a sensible, high protein diet and to build muscle mass. That's how you improve metabolic rate.

When you build muscle, it might show as numbers on the scale. That's why it's a good idea to NOT rely on the scale. Rely instead on clothing size or measurements and on fitness goals. Those are much more honest measures of progress.

Oh, and PLEASE, get labs done and take your supplements, even though finances are tough. Micronutrient malabsorption never goes away and in many cases appears to get WORSE over time, even if caloric malabsorption goes in the opposite direction.

on 8/8/11 2:28 pm
I'm really NOT saying this to sound like a bith---but MOST PEOPLE don't lose 100% of their excess weight. I f you have ONLY 10 excess pounds--you're doing damned good.

I'm just not going to comment on the plasma thing. I'm speechless.
on 8/9/11 10:48 am
I wanna thank everyone *****sponded. And I will try to lose the ten pounds I need. As for the plasma donating I will do anything to help support my family.
Elizabeth N.
on 8/9/11 11:19 am - Burlington County, NJ
But what if it ruins your health and makes you a BURDEN to your family?

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