What was your first, YES! moment?

on 10/9/11 12:51 am
Was it when your pants fell to your knees?
Was it when a member of the opposite sex looked at you? In a good way.
Was it when you were able to reach your toes and not have your face explode?

Mine was simply the day I "graduated" from elastic waist pants to zippered. That was a major YES! moment for me. It may be more work, especially when I really gotta go (!) but well worth the extra effort.

What was your moment? 

Emily F.
on 10/9/11 1:09 am
I think my first yes was when I put on a bathing suit 2 months out and didn't hate how I looked. I didn't mind pictures.
on 10/9/11 1:12 am
I don't remember how many months out I was but I squeezed between my shopping cart and the register next to me. I went to the end to pack groceries and didn't think about it - just squeezed though! Major wow moment !

Jen 10 yrs post op
on 10/9/11 3:07 am
Shaving my legs in the shower. Seriously - we have a tiny square shower and at 319 I felt wedged in there. Couldn't bend over and shave my legs, had to either stand outside and stick my leg in or sit on the edge of the garden tub.

One day I bent over, shaved my legs and I swear I cried.

Highest weight: 335 lbs, BMI 50.9
Pre-op weight: 319 lbs, BMI 48.5
Current range: 140-144, BMI 21.3 - 22

175+ lbs lost, maintaining since February 2012

(deactivated member)
on 10/9/11 3:23 am
Hmmm.  Would have to be when I finally reached goal and I decided I could actually add some style to my wardrobe.  My wife and I were walking out a great mall and I was sharing with her how I wanted to add some style but wouldn't even begin to know how.  We were in front of the Buckle store and she suggested we go in.  I laughed and said I would be clueless and it would take the assistance of a young blond sales clerk.  My wife said she could arrange that and dragged me in.  I was really embarrassed and uncomfortable.  My wife found "the" associate "Stevie" and clothes were flying at me.  It was really nice.  First I couldn't imagine ever fitting in 31 inch slim jeans, and fitted medium shirts.  While I am changing my wife shared with Stevie about my transformation.  Then Stevie took my drivers license to show the other associates and I had a crowd of associates all congratulating me.  Stevie probably made her weekly sales goal off of me that night. 

I entered feeling very insecure and ashamed; I left feeling a lot better about myself because I let the girls nurture me.  I learned a long time ago that nurturing sucks.  And it is a daily struggle to let people into my life on a more personal level.  That night it wasn't about how I looked; it was about them being proud of my accomplishment and feeling their pride. 
(deactivated member)
on 10/11/11 7:18 am
Congrats on that Chris Im really happy for you!!
(deactivated member)
on 10/11/11 12:03 pm
Aaahhhh...  Thank you so much!!! 
Kristi N.
on 10/9/11 4:57 am - NC

When I sat down in a friend & co-worker's office and crossed my legs. She is getting ready to have lap-band surgery & we were talking about the differences. She stopped talking...staring at me with her mouth gaping open and screamed "OMG! Do you realize what you are doing?" Then she jumped up and grabbed me and gave me a huge hug. The men in the office were startled but laughed. Then my friend asked some of them if they had noticed any changes in me. They are maintenance techs and couldn't tell you if they were wearing matching socks, but these guys said they had been noticing. No comments that would get them in trouble with HR, but the sentiment was nice.


on 10/9/11 6:23 am - Oak Ridge, TN
When I looked at a chair in a Dr's office and thought "there's no way I'll fit in that", and sat down and had room to spare :) There have been tons of YES! moments since then, but that was the very first. My most recent was when I sat down on the swingset with my kids and actually fit, and swung back and forth really high. I haven't done that since I was a kid!  

 ~Kelly ~   
SW 364/CW 164/GW 150             



on 10/9/11 6:49 am
 one I've posted before - first time I was taking a bath and when I let the water out it all drained, even the water that had been behind me!

once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.

PM me if you are interested in either of these.

 size 8, life is great

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