It's a small thing, but

So Blessed!
on 10/12/11 3:03 am

Ummm, do I *LOOK* happy?

There’s a microwave in the break room.  A co-worker from some office down the hall has left their food in it (again) and is nowhere to be seen.  The timer’s gone off.  You need to heat your meal.  Do you go looking for them, take their food out of the microwave or just wait for them to come back? 


on 10/12/11 3:12 am
I would take it out, use it, then put it back in. They are hungry and will be back soon!
So Blessed!
on 10/12/11 3:20 am

I just feel funny about handling somebody else's food without their permission. 

What if I'm in the act of taking it out of the microwave and they walk back into the breakroom?

Guilty Puppy avatar
(deactivated member)
on 10/12/11 3:12 am - Lancaster, OH

You take it out, silly!  I might put it back in the refrigerator for them, being as how it might go bad, or sumpin'.

(Where'd ya get them glasses?)
So Blessed!
on 10/12/11 3:32 am

Or maybe the freezer... 

Kathy S.
on 10/12/11 3:26 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with
 Take it out and put it by the Microwave....  They should not leave it unattended.  Nuke your lunch baby  

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

(deactivated member)
on 10/12/11 3:37 am
I'm with Kathy.
on 10/12/11 3:39 am
Sue C
on 10/12/11 4:44 am - Fargo, ND
You need to eat also, so I would put theirs on top of the micowave and warm yours up. 

I live in an apt building and everyone on the floor uses the laundry room.  It really irks me when people leave there stuff in the washer or dryer.  I usually give them a little time to remove items or I do it for them!

~ Sue ~


So Blessed!
on 10/12/11 6:03 am

It's easier for me to excuse someone leaving clothes in the washer or dryer to go back to their apartment to wait because it takes so long for them to finish.  I've done it myself, but I always tried to get back within a reasonable amount of time to take them out.

But a frozen dinner?  4 or 5 minutes max!
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