Alternative Weight Loss Support Sites

So Blessed!
on 11/22/11 10:54 pm

I'm Googling to see what else is out there.  

I will share what I find.

 3 Fat Chicks on a Diet
(deactivated member)
on 11/22/11 10:57 pm, edited 12/31/11 6:35 am

So Blessed!
on 11/22/11 11:04 pm

I don't do Facebook. 

I can see the use for it if you have a business, but otherwise I don't see the necessity.  If I want to know how a person is doing, I will give them a call and ask. 

on 11/26/11 4:14 am
On November 23, 2011 at 6:57 AM Pacific Time, m h wrote:
I know of one in the works.

I really hate FB as an alternative site due to the way the posting is set up.  You miss important information on a site like FB, but it could be used for an alternative until a better one comes along.

 I would love to know about one in the works. 

once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.

PM me if you are interested in either of these.

 size 8, life is great

Amy Farrah Fowler
on 11/26/11 4:37 am
Yes, facebook is terrible for this type of thing. It's too hard to go through the subjects. I'm liking GooglePlus more, as it has better features than FB, but not sure it's still not the perfect format for something like this.

on 11/26/11 4:53 am
 I hate FB, just the way it is structured or something. seems only good for very brief comments/questions. like I imagine Tweeting, which I've never tried.

I like the Bulletin Board format. dammit.

once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.

PM me if you are interested in either of these.

 size 8, life is great

on 11/26/11 5:34 am - Northern, CA
 Jackie, tweeting is MUCH WORSE because you can't really get a converastion going at all.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 11/26/11 5:40 am
 I believe you - it doesn't sound like me at all.  

once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.

PM me if you are interested in either of these.

 size 8, life is great

Amy Farrah Fowler
on 11/26/11 5:46 am
Yah, I like tweeting even less.
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